Python Program to Solve n-Queen Problem with Recursion

This is a Python program to solve the n-queen problem with recursion. Problem Description The n-queen problem is the problem of placing n queens on an n x n chessboard such that no queen can attack another queen. Problem Solution 1. Create a class QueenChessBoard. 2. The board configuration is stored in a list called … Read more


Tower of Hanoi Program in Python

This is a Python program to implement Tower of Hanoi. Problem Description The program prompts the user for the number of disks n and the program prints the procedure to move n disks from peg A to peg C using peg B. Problem Solution 1. Create function hanoi that takes the number of disks n … Read more


Python Program to Implement Johnson’s Algorithm

This is a Python program to implement Johnson’s algorithm on a directed graph to find the shortest distance between all pairs of vertices. Problem Description The problem is to find the shortest distance between all pairs of vertices in a weighted directed graph that can have negative edge weights. For the problem to be well-defined, … Read more


Python Program to Find Minimum Spanning Tree using Kruskal’s Algorithm

This is a Python program to find a minimum spanning tree of an undirected weighted graph using Krusal’s algorithm. Problem Description A spanning tree of a graph can be defined as a graph with minimal set of edges that connect all vertices. A minimum spanning tree of a graph is a spanning tree of the … Read more


Python Program to Find Minimum Spanning Tree using Prim’s Algorithm

This is a Python program to find a minimum spanning tree of an undirected weighted graph using Prim’s algorithm. Problem Description A spanning tree of a graph can be defined as a graph with minimal set of edges that connect all vertices. A minimum spanning tree of a graph is a spanning tree of the … Read more


Python Program to Find the Transitive Closure of a Graph

This is a Python program to find the transitive closure of a graph. Problem Description The transitive closure is computed by finding all vertex pairs i, j such that there is a path from i to j. Problem Solution 1. Create classes for Graph and Vertex. 2. Create a function transitive_closure that takes a Graph … Read more


Python Program to Implement Floyd-Warshall Algorithm

This is a Python program to implement the Floyd-Warshall algorithm on a directed graph to find the shortest distance between all pairs of vertices. Problem Description The problem is to find the shortest distance between all pairs of vertices in a weighted directed graph that can have negative edge weights. For the problem to be … Read more


Python Program to Implement Bellman Ford Algorithm

This is a Python program to implement the Bellman-Ford algorithm on a graph. Problem Description The problem is to find the shortest distance to all vertices from a source vertex in a weighted directed graph that can have negative edge weights. For the problem to be well-defined, there should be no cycles in the graph … Read more


Python Program to Implement Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm

This is a Python program to implement Dijkstra’s Shortest Path algorithm on a graph. Problem Description The problem is to find the shortest distance to all vertices from a source vertex in a weighted graph. Problem Solution 1. Create classes for Graph and Vertex. 2. Create a function dijkstra that takes a Graph object and … Read more


Python Program to Apply DFS to Perform the Topological Sorting of a Directed Acyclic Graph

This is a Python program to print a topological sorting of a DAG using DFS. Problem Description The program allows the user to print a topological sorting of a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Problem Solution 1. The algorithm works by performing a DFS traversal of the entire graph. This means performing DFS traversal starting at … Read more

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Manish Bhojasia - Founder & CTO at Sanfoundry
Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. He lives in Bangalore, and focuses on development of Linux Kernel, SAN Technologies, Advanced C, Data Structures & Alogrithms. Stay connected with him at LinkedIn.

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