What is an Uninitialized or Illegal Pointer in C?

Question: What is an Uninitialized or Illegal Pointer in C Language and What Happens on Indirection of an Illegal Pointer? Answer: As we know, pointers, whether initialized or uninitialized, hold addresses. And we perform Indirection on pointers to access values, indirectly, at locations pointed to by them. For example: /* access_initialized_pointer.c — Program accessing initialized … Read more


What is Pointer Indirection or Dereferencing in C?

Question: What is Indirection or Dereferencing a C Pointer and Does a Pointer have In-Built Property of Indirection? Answer: A pointer variable is like an ordinary variable in that it is allocated location, by compiler, in memory when declared in the program. But unlike ordinary variable, a pointer holds address. Since memory is Byte addressable, … Read more


What are the Benefits of using C Pointers in Modular Programming?

This C Tutorial explains Advantage of C Pointers with Modular Programming with Example(s). Let’s see an example of a C modular Program, in outline form, as: /* c_mod_prog.c — example of a C modular program */ #include <stdio.h>   /* function prototypes */ int shots(); int winner(int); void display_winner_loser(int);   int main(void) { int x; … Read more


What is the use of addressof (&) and asterisk (*) with Respect to Pointers in C?

Question: How are Operators addressof (&) and asterisk (*) Work in Context with C Pointers? Answer: Well! Asterisk (*) is used as a binary operator when used in binary arithmetic meaning it then takes two operands on either side. When used as a Unary operator, it’s frequently used with pointers, pointer expressions and arrays. Address … Read more


Does Declaring a Pointer Allocate Memory in C?

Question: Can a Pointer in C Automatically Allocate Memory When it is Declared Answer: As we know Pointer is like any ordinary variable in that when it is declared, compiler allocates it a location in memory. Every location has an address and contents. The contents of a pointer is, however, address; address of some ordinary … Read more


Can Datatype of a Value be determined by Examining its Bits in C?

Question: Can datatype of a value be determined by Examining its Bits in C Answer: Let’s first discuss how values either characters, integers, floats, doubles, character strings, addresses etc. are stored in computer memory. Computer Memory is Organised as continuous sequence of Binary Bits which are 1s or 0s for On and Off respectively. Because … Read more


Difference between Pointer and Ordinary Variable in C

Question: What is the Difference between a Pointer and an Ordinary Variable in C? Answer: Okey! We here unravel the differences between Ordinary and Pointer Variables we use in our C Programs as per programming requirements. What is a Variable? First, we should know this. A variable is some storage space set aside, as per … Read more


What is the Word Datatype in C?

This C Tutorial explains the Concept of ‘word’ in C Programming with Example(s). A WORD in C Programming refers to ANSI Standard size of type int on Linux as 4 bytes or 32 bits. For example: /* word_size.c — Program displays size of a word on Linux Platform */ #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int … Read more

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Manish Bhojasia - Founder & CTO at Sanfoundry
Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. He lives in Bangalore, and focuses on development of Linux Kernel, SAN Technologies, Advanced C, Data Structures & Alogrithms. Stay connected with him at LinkedIn.

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