This C Tutorial explains the Concept of ‘word’ in C Programming with Example(s).
A WORD in C Programming refers to ANSI Standard size of type int on Linux as 4 bytes or 32 bits. For example:
/* word_size.c -- Program displays size of a word on Linux Platform */ #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int int_size; printf("Size of all integers is %d bytes\n", sizeof (int)); printf("Size of integer variable int_size is %d bytes\n", sizeof int_size); return 0; }
However, word size on some systems is 2 bytes. Note however that bigger the size of type int, larger the range of values can be stored. For instance on Linux system, the range of integers is:
/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed int' can hold. */ Minimum Value -2147483648 Maximum Value 2147483647 /* Maximum value an `unsigned int' can hold. (Minimum is 0.) */ Maximum Value 4294967295U /* U stands as unsigned int */
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