This is a C Program to display the inventory of items in a store.
This C Program display the inventory of items in a store.
The program accepts the value of item name, item code, price, quantity & manufacture date. Then display those value in a structured way.
Here is source code of the C program to display the inventory of items in a storage. The C program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below.
/* * C program to display the inventory of items in a store / shop * The inventory maintains details such as name, price, quantity * and manufacturing date of each item. */ #include <stdio.h> void main() { struct date { int day; int month; int year; }; struct details { char name[20]; int price; int code; int qty; struct date mfg; }; struct details item[50]; int n, i; printf("Enter number of items:"); scanf("%d", &n); fflush(stdin); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fflush(stdin); printf("Item name: \n"); scanf("%s", item[i].name); fflush(stdin); printf("Item code: \n"); scanf("%d", &item[i].code); fflush(stdin); printf("Quantity: \n"); scanf("%d", &item[i].qty); fflush(stdin); printf("price: \n"); scanf("%d", &item[i].price); fflush(stdin); printf("Manufacturing date(dd-mm-yyyy): \n"); scanf("%d-%d-%d", &item[i], &item[i].mfg.month, &item[i].mfg.year); } printf(" ***** INVENTORY ***** \n"); printf("--------------------------------------------------------- ---------\n"); printf("S.N.| NAME | CODE | QUANTITY | PRICE | MFG.DATE \n"); printf("--------------------------------------------------------- ---------\n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%d %-15s %-d %-5d %-5d %d/%d/%d \n", i + 1, item[i].name, item[i].code, item[i].qty, item[i].price, item[i], item[i].mfg.month, item[i].mfg.year); printf("--------------------------------------------------------- ---------\n"); }
In this C program, integer variables are stored in the structure and the variable item[50] is used to access the integer variable stored in the structure. We are reading the number of variables using ‘n’ variable. The fflush(stdin) function will flush the input buffer of a stream.
Using for loop enter the name of the item using ‘item[i].name’ variable, the code of the item using the ‘item[i].code’ variable, the price of the item using the ‘item[i].price’ variable, and the manufacturing date of the item using ‘item[i]’, ‘item[i].mfg.month’, ‘item[i].mfg.year’ variables. Then print the values in a structured way.
$ cc pgm60.c $ a.out Enter number of items:3 Item name: pendrive Item code: 123 Quantity: 6 price: 3000 Manufacturing date(dd-mm-yyyy): 30-9-2012 Item name: computer Item code: 124 Quantity: 10 price: 10000 Manufacturing date(dd-mm-yyyy): 30-7-2012 Item name: optical mouse Item code: Quantity: price: Manufacturing date(dd-mm-yyyy): ***** INVENTORY ***** ------------------------------------------------------------------ S.N.| NAME | CODE | QUANTITY | PRICE | MFG.DATE ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 pendrive 123 6 3000 30/9/2012 2 computer 124 10 10000 30/7/2012 3 optical 0 0 0 0/0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ $ a.out Enter number of items:3 Item name: pendrive Item code: 123 Quantity: 6 price: 3000 Manufacturing date(dd-mm-yyyy): 30-9-2012 Item name: computer Item code: 124 Quantity: 10 price: 10000 Manufacturing date(dd-mm-yyyy): 30-7-2012 Item name: Mouse Item code: 125 Quantity: 10 price: 1500 Manufacturing date(dd-mm-yyyy): 30-6-2012 ***** INVENTORY ***** ------------------------------------------------------------------ S.N.| NAME | CODE | QUANTITY | PRICE | MFG.DATE ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 pendrive 123 6 3000 30/9/2012 2 computer 124 10 10000 30/7/2012 3 Mouse 125 10 1500 30/6/2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------
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