Count Number of Ways to Reach a Given Score Problem

This is a C++ Program that Solves Number of Ways to Reach a Given Score Problem using Dynamic Programming technique. Problem Description In a game, a player can score only 3, 5 or 10 points in a move. Given a score S, find the number of ways to reach the given score using the specified … Read more


Minimum Number of Jumps Problem – Dynamic Programming Solutions

This is a C++ Program that Solves Minimum Number of Jumps Problem using Dynamic Programming technique. Problem Description Given an array of integers where each element represents the max number of steps that can be made forward from that element. Write a program to find the minimum number of jumps to reach the end of … Read more


Subset Sum Problem using Dynamic Programming

This is a C++ Program that Solves Subset Sum Problem using Dynamic Programming technique. Problem Description There is a subset A of n positive integers and a value sum. Find whether or not there exists any subset of the given set, the sum of whose elements is equal to the given value of sum. Problem … Read more


Boolean Parenthesization Problem using Dynamic Programming

This is a C++ Program that Solves Counting Boolean Parenthesization Problem using Dynamic Programming technique. Problem Description You are given a boolean expression with symbols True and False and operators And, Or and Xor. Find the number of ways in which the expression can be parenthesized so that the value of expression evaluates to true. … Read more


Dice Throw Problem – Dynamic Programming Solutions

This is a C++ Program that Solves Dice Throw Problem using Dynamic Programming technique. Problem Description There are n identical dices. Each dice has given number of faces. In how many ways, you can get the given sum. Problem Solution Create a matrix to store results and start calculating the results in a bottom up … Read more


Stolen Values Problem using Dynamic Programming

This is a C++ Program that Solves Stolen Values Problem using Dynamic Programming technique. Problem Description There are n houses built in a line, each of which contain some value in it. A thief is going to steal in these houses. But he cannot steal in two adjacent houses. What is maximum value he can … Read more


Longest Substring without Duplication – Dynamic Programming Solutions

This is a C++ Program that Solves Longest Substring Without Duplication Problem using Dynamic Programming technique. Problem Description You are given a string. Find the length of longest substring of the given string which does not contain any duplicate character. Problem Solution Process the string in a linear fashion keeping record of the visited characters … Read more


Maximum Product Cutting using Dynamic Programming

This is a C++ Program that Solves Rod Cutting – Maximum Product Problem using Dynamic Programming technique. Problem Description You are given a rod of integer length. You have to cut the rod in various pieces such that the product of the lengths of all pieces is maximum. Problem Solution Calculate the results in bottom … Read more


Maximum Value of Gifts Problem – Dynamic Programming Solutions

This is a C++ Program that Solves Maximum Value of Gifts Problem using Dynamic Programming technique. Problem Description You are given a matrix of order n*m. Each cell of the matrix has a gift of certain value. Starting from the top-left cell, you have to reach the bottom-right cell of the matrix collecting gifts of … Read more


Longest Common Substring using Dynamic Programming

This is a C++ Program that Solves Longest Common Substring Problem using Dynamic Programming technique. Problem Description Given two strings, find the length of the longest common substring of both the given strings. Note that this problem is different from longest common subsequence (LCS) problem. Problem Solution This problem can be solved by using bottom … Read more

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Manish Bhojasia - Founder & CTO at Sanfoundry
Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. He lives in Bangalore, and focuses on development of Linux Kernel, SAN Technologies, Advanced C, Data Structures & Alogrithms. Stay connected with him at LinkedIn.

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