14 Best Books on Programming Using Matlab

We have compiled a list of the Best Reference Books on Programming Using Matlab, which are used by students of top universities, and colleges. This will help you choose the right book depending on if you are a beginner or an expert. Here is the complete list of Programming Using Matlab Books with their authors, publishers, and an unbiased review of them as well as links to the Amazon website to directly purchase them. If permissible, you can also download the free PDF books on Programming Using Matlab below.

1."Optimization Methods and Mathematical Programming Using Matlab" by Scientific Books
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2."Introduction to Neural Networks Using Matlab 6.0" by Sumathi S and Sivanandam S
“Introduction to Neural Networks Using Matlab 6.0” Book Review: This is a helpful book for beginners to learn about neural networks and their applications using Matlab 6.0. The book covers various topics, including single-layer neural networks, multilayer neural networks, unsupervised learning, supervised learning, and more. It provides an in-depth understanding of neural networks and their mathematical foundations. The authors have included several examples, exercises, and case studies to help readers understand the practical applications of neural networks. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about neural networks using Matlab 6.0.

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3."Learning Programming Using MATLAB (Synthesis Lectures on Electrical Engineering)" by Khalid Sayood and Richard C Dorf
“Learning Programming Using MATLAB (Synthesis Lectures on Electrical Engineering)” Book Review: This book is helpful for those who are just starting to learn about computer programming. It teaches the fundamental concepts of programming and how to use MATLAB. It explains why MATLAB is better than other computer languages and includes many exercises at the end of each chapter to help readers better understand the material.

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4."Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB and Wavelets" by Michael Weeks
“Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB and Wavelets” Book Review: This book is a useful resource for senior undergraduate students in engineering, as well as computer science students and engineers. It covers mathematical processes and techniques needed to understand DSP theory, with a focus on MATLAB. The book covers various topics such as filters, sinusoids, sampling, and Fourier transform. This book is a great introduction to the subject and is highly recommended for those seeking to gain knowledge in this area.

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5."Introduction to Parallel Computing Using MATLAB" by Alyasseri Zaid
“Introduction to Parallel Computing Using MATLAB” Book Review: This book is a helpful guide for those who want to learn about parallel computing using MATLAB. It covers the basics of parallel computing and how to use MATLAB to perform parallel computations. The book contains many examples, exercises, and MATLAB codes to help readers understand the concepts easily. It also provides information on how to parallelize the code to achieve high performance in computation. The book is useful for students, researchers, and professionals who are interested in parallel computing and want to use MATLAB for their projects.

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6."Arduino Programming using MATLAB" by Agus Kurniawan
“Arduino Programming using MATLAB” Book Review: This book is a useful guide for those who want to learn how to program using Arduino and MATLAB. The book is written in simple language, making it easy for beginners to understand. It covers basic concepts of programming, and guides readers through the process of creating Arduino projects using MATLAB. The book contains several examples and exercises which allow readers to apply what they have learned.

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7."Understanding Programming Aspects of Diabetic Retinopathy Lesions Using MATLAB" by Pravin L Dr Yannawar and Rajput
“Understanding Programming Aspects of Diabetic Retinopathy Lesions Using MATLAB” Book Review: This is a technical book that focuses on the use of MATLAB programming language for understanding and analyzing diabetic retinopathy lesions. The book covers topics such as image processing techniques, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification of diabetic retinopathy lesions. It is aimed at researchers, professionals, and students in the field of medical imaging and computer vision who have a basic understanding of programming concepts and MATLAB. The book also includes MATLAB code snippets and sample images for readers to experiment with.

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8."Programming for Chemical Engineers Using C, C++ and MATLAB" by Raul Raymond A Kapuno
“Programming for Chemical Engineers Using C, C++ and MATLAB” Book Review: This is a comprehensive guide designed for chemical engineering students and professionals who are interested in learning programming languages. The book covers various programming languages such as C, C++, and MATLAB, which are widely used in chemical engineering applications. The author explains how programming languages can be used to solve chemical engineering problems by providing practical examples and exercises. The book also includes a variety of chemical engineering problems, including heat transfer, mass transfer, reaction kinetics, and process control. The book’s language is simple, making it easy to understand for beginners.

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9."Understanding Digital Image Processing Using Matlab" by Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar and Ramesh Manza
“Understanding Digital Image Processing Using Matlab” Book Review: The book covers the basic concepts and techniques of digital image processing using MATLAB. It covers topics such as image enhancement, restoration, compression, and segmentation. The book also includes numerous exercises at the end of each chapter to help readers understand the material better. The clear explanations and step-by-step instructions make this book an excellent resource for anyone interested in digital image processing using MATLAB.

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10."Linear Programming Using MATLAB® (Springer Optimization and Its Applications)" by Nikolaos Ploskas and Nikolaos Samaras
“Linear Programming Using MATLAB® (Springer Optimization and Its Applications)” Book Review: This book is a valuable resource for those with a background in algebra and calculus, including scientists, researchers, and students. It combines theory and computational concepts and offers various linear programming algorithms and simplex methods, along with their components. It also includes practical implementations using MATLAB codes for readers to better understand the material.

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11."Introduction to Linear Optimization and Extensions with MATLAB" by Kwon
“Introduction to Linear Optimization and Extensions with MATLAB” Book Review: This book is helpful for those who want to learn about linear optimization and how to use MATLAB for it. It covers the latest methods like predictor-path following interior point methods, and topics such as uncertainty and robust optimization. The book includes applications in finance and supply chain management. It is perfect for students, teachers, and professionals in engineering and science who need to use MATLAB regularly.

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12."Environmental Data Analysis with MatLab" by William Menke and Joshua Menke
“Environmental Data Analysis with MatLab” Book Review: The book is about data analysis and its fundamental theory. It covers various topics like linear models, periodicities, correlations, and missing data. It uses MATLAB for data analysis and includes crib sheets, problem sets, and log-log plots with examples. The book also has real-world case studies and examples to help readers understand the practical aspects of data analysis. It is suitable for students and researchers in the environmental sciences who work with real data sets.

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13."Optical Fiber Communication Systems with MATLAB® and Simulink® Model" by Le Nguyen Binh
“Optical Fiber Communication Systems with MATLAB and Simulink Models” Book Review: This book is a complete guide for modeling optically amplified fiber communications systems using MATLAB and Simulink from a practical perspective. It explains DSP-based coherent reception techniques that are important for the development of optical transmission networks. The book includes case studies, examples, and computer models to describe the behavior and dynamics of devices. It also provides exercises, mathematical procedures, and engineering applications. The book covers recent advances in optical fiber communications technology. It is ideal for designers, practitioners, optical engineers, and students studying optical communications, electromagnetic theory, signal processing, and digital communications courses.

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14."Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics with MATLAB" by Matthew N O Sadiku
“Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics with MATLAB” Book Review: This book is helpful for engineers, students, and researchers who want to learn about FDTD, finite element, and transmission-line-matrices methods in the field of electromagnetism. It includes MATLAB codes for practical implementation and provides problem-solving skills with numerous examples. The book also teaches how to analyze, pose and solve electromagnetic numerical problems.

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We have put a lot of effort into researching the best books on Programming Using Matlab and came out with a recommended list and their reviews. If any more book needs to be added to this list, please email us. We are working on free pdf downloads for books on Programming Using Matlab and will publish the download link here. Fill out this Programming Using Matlab books pdf download" request form for download notification.

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