9 Best Books on R Programming Language

We have compiled a list of the Best Reference Books on R Programming Language, which are used by students of top universities, and colleges. This will help you choose the right book depending on if you are a beginner or an expert. Here is the complete list of R Programming Language Books with their authors, publishers, and an unbiased review of them as well as links to the Amazon website to directly purchase them. If permissible, you can also download the free PDF books on R Programming Language below.

1."A First Course in Statistical Programming with R" by Braun & Murdoch
“A First Course in Statistical Programming with R” Book Review: This book is a useful resource for individuals who are interested in learning how to program in R. Its unique approach includes instructions on how to tailor source code to meet specific requirements, distinguishing it from other introductory R books. The book emphasizes programming principles that are applicable to a variety of computer languages and outlines techniques for tackling complex projects. The inclusion of numerous exercises facilitates learning and improves comprehension. Each chapter concludes with a review, which boosts readers’ confidence and reinforces learning. The book’s website provides access to data sets, solutions, and additional information. It also features examples from real-world data analysis scenarios, making it especially valuable for professionals who need practical knowledge.

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2."A Beginner´s Guide to R" by Zuur
“A Beginner’s Guide to R” Book Review: This book is a comprehensive guide that covers all the essentials for starting with R. It has been designed to make it easy for beginners to learn R without being overwhelmed by statistics. The book covers a range of topics, including how to download and install R, managing data, basic plotting, introduction to functions, advanced plotting, and common mistakes made by beginners. One of the book’s biggest advantages is its focus solely on teaching R, and the way it organizes R commands in an efficient and effective manner. It is a compact and user-friendly book that can be easily carried in one’s pocket or backpack for quick reference.

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3."Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R" by Chapman & Hall/CRC
“Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R” Book Review: This book is recommended as an excellent introduction, easily readable with extensive examples and exercises. This new edition of the book presents scientific programming and stochastic modelling in a clear, effective, practical and complete manner. The book starts with basic knowledge of R and programming concepts. It discusses how to think about mathematics from a numerical point of view, including the various applications of these concepts to root finding, numerical integration, and optimisation. The new chapter on systems of ordinary differential equations, it covers topics such as Euler, midpoint, and fourth-order Runge-Kutta (RK4) schemes for solving systems of first-order ODEs. It demonstrates transition and rate matrices, classification of states, limiting behaviour, Kolmogorov forward and backward equations, finite absorbing chains, and expected hitting times. It is designed for the students who want to make tools, not just use them.

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4."R in a Nutshell" by Adler
“R in a Nutshell” Book Review: This book is a beginner’s guide to learning the R language in a quick, simple, and practical way. It teaches how to write R functions and use different R packages to work with data, including preparation, visualization, and analysis. The book provides numerous examples from various fields like medicine, business, and sports to demonstrate each process. The new edition includes additional chapters on R performance, the ggplot2 data visualization package, and parallel computing with Hadoop. It shows how to use R for data analysis, statistical tests, model fitting, probability calculations, and even how to write parallel R programs for faster calculations using Hadoop.

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5."An Introduction to R" by Venables & Smith
“An Introduction to R” Book Review: This is a beginner-friendly book that introduces the popular programming language R for data analysis and statistical computing. The book covers essential topics such as data manipulation, visualization, and statistical modeling using R. It includes step-by-step instructions and examples to help readers understand and apply R in their data analysis projects. With its clear explanations and practical approach, this book serves as an ideal resource for students, researchers, and professionals looking to gain proficiency in R for data analysis and statistical computing.

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6."Hands–On Programming with R" by Garrett Grolemund
“Hands-On Programming with R” Book Review: This book is designed to teach students how to program using the R language and apply their skills to solve real-world data science problems. It covers topics such as loading and manipulating data, understanding R’s environment system, writing custom functions, and utilizing various programming tools. Through hands-on projects focused on casino games, students will gain practical experience in data analysis. The book also explores techniques for optimizing code, using R packages, debugging, and applying programming concepts. By the end, students will have developed valuable programming skills to support their work as data scientists.

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7."Interactive and Dynamic Graphics for Data Analysis: With R and GGobi (Use R!)" by Dianne Cook and Deborah F Swayne
“Interactive and Dynamic Graphics for Data Analysis: With R and GGobi (Use R!)” Book Review: This is a comprehensive guide that explores the use of interactive and dynamic graphics for data analysis using R and GGobi. The book covers various topics such as data visualization principles, interactive exploration of data, and creating dynamic graphics. It provides step-by-step instructions and practical examples to help readers effectively analyze and interpret data visually. With its hands-on approach and emphasis on using R and GGobi, this book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in enhancing their data analysis skills through interactive and dynamic graphics.

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8."Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R (Use R!)" by Roger S Bivand
“Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R (Use R!)” Book Review: This book is aimed at researchers who want to utilize R for handling, visualizing, and analyzing spatial data. It is also suitable for spatial data analysts who are interested in practical aspects of implementing software for spatial data analysis, even if they are not currently using R. The book is designed for introductory spatial statistics courses and applied methods courses in various disciplines that involve spatial data, such as geography, environmental sciences, ecology, and political science. It covers topics such as R packages, importing and exporting spatial data in different file formats, integrating R with GRASS GIS, handling spatio-temporal data, spatial data analysis, point pattern analysis, interpolation, geostatistics, areal data analysis, and disease mapping. This part of the book will be especially helpful for users who need to access and visualize spatial data.

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9."Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language" by Mark Gardener
“Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language” Book Review: This is a useful book for beginners looking to learn R, a powerful statistical programming language. The book covers essential topics such as data manipulation, data visualization, statistical modeling, and hypothesis testing using R. It provides clear explanations, practical examples, and exercises to help readers grasp the concepts and gain hands-on experience with R. With its user-friendly approach and step-by-step guidance, this book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to embark on their journey of statistical programming with R.

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We have put a lot of effort into researching the best books on R Programming Language and came out with a recommended list and their reviews. If any more book needs to be added to this list, please email us. We are working on free pdf downloads for books on R Programming Language and will publish the download link here. Fill out this R Programming Language books pdf download" request form for download notification.

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