Visual Basic Questions and Answers – Building the User Interface

This set of Visual Basic Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Building the User Interface”.

1. A button’s caption is entered using __________
a) sentence capitalization
b) book title capitalization
c) character capitalization
d) word capitalization
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Answer: b
Explanation: Book title capitalization is a phenomenon in which the first characters of the major words in the sentence are capitalized. A button’s caption is entered using this phenomenon.

2. The text contained in the identifying label is entered using __________
a) Sentence capitalization
b) Book title capitalization
c) Character capitalization
d) Word capitalization
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sentence capitalization is a phenomenon in which the first character of every word in the sentence should be in capital letter. The text contained in is entered using this phenomenon.

3. Each button has same height and width because they are __________ the interface.
a) Stacked
b) Queued
c) Clustered
d) Heaped
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Answer: a
Explanation: Buttons have a same height and width because they are stacked in the interface. This property mainly copies the button, thus they get equal height and width as that of the first, which is made with accuracy.

4. Designers usually include graphics to __________ a portion of screen.
a) Mesmerize
b) Emphasize
c) Attract
d) Glorify
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Answer: b
Explanation: The most important point the designers should keep in mind is that the graphics should not distract the user from his/her work. Thus the graphics should be simple enough to emphasize a portion of the screen, mainly the top left corner.

5. An object’s __________ is used to display the type, style, and size of the font, used to display the object’s text.
a) Font property
b) Size property
c) Text property
d) Style property
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Answer: a
Explanation: An object’s font property is used to display the type, style and size of font. The type of the font includes- regular, bold, italics or underlined. The size is 8, 10, 14, etc and the style is ‘Times new Roman’, ‘Sans Serif’ etc.
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6. Designers generally avoid using __________ and __________ in an interface.
a) Italics and underline
b) Underline and bold
c) Bold and italics
d) Regular and bold
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Answer: a
Explanation: Designers generally avoid using italics and underline in a text, because they make difficult to read; since in some font style italics is too difficult to read, and underline in some font style looks as if an error has occurred, thus distracting the user.

7. Designers generally use __________ font style and __________ font size in an interface.
a) One, two
b) Two, one
c) Four, one
d) One, one
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Answer: a
Explanation: Designers generally use one font style in an interface because too many font sizes make difficult to read, and distract the user. Generally, two font sizes are used one for the titles and headings and other for the other text in the user interface.

8. __________ is generally used to emphasize the text.
a) Italics
b) Underline
c) Bold
d) Regular
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Answer: c
Explanation: Designers limit the use of bold text to titles, headings and key items to emphasize the text.

9. Designers generally use __________ colour for the background, and __________ for the text.
a) Blue, pink
b) White, black
c) Black, white
d) Pink, blue
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Answer: b
Explanation: Designers generally use white colour for the background and black colour for the text, because dark colour as background is hard for eyes and light colour as text may appear blurry.

10. Designers at times use colour as the means of __________ a user interface.
a) Identification
b) Charming
c) Fascinating
d) Exquisite
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Answer: a
Explanation: Designers at times want to identify a special element, using colour. But it should not be the only means to identify an element. Each element should have an identifying level.

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