Van Emde Boas Tree Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs)

This set of Data Structures & Algorithms Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Van Emde Boas Tree”.

1. What is the other name or Van Emde Boas Tree data structure?
a) Van Emde Boas Array
b) Van Emde Boas Stack
c) Van Emde Boas Priority Queue
d) Van Emde Boas Heap
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Answer: c
Explanation: The Van Emde Boas Tree data structure is also popularly known as Van Emde Boas Priority Queue. This data structure implements the array associatively for the given integer keys. It was formulated by Peter Van Emde Boas.

2. Who Invented The vEB also known as Van Emde Boas Tree?
a) Peter Van Emde Boas
b) Samuel F. B. Morse
c) Friedrich Clemens Gerke
d) Alexander Morse
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Van Emde Boas Tree data structure is also popularly known as Van Emde Boas Priority Queue. This data structure implements the array associatively for the given integer keys. It was formulated by Peter Van Emde Boas.

3. What is the time complexity for storing the maximum number of elements in Van Emde Boas tree if M is the maximum number of elements?
a) O (log M)
b) O (M!)
c) O (M)
d) O (1)
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Answer: c
Explanation: In order to store the maximum number of elements in Van Emde Boas data structure where M is the maximum number of elements, the tree has great efficiency for storing them. So the time complexity for worst case is found to be O (M).

4. Does Van Emde Boas data structure perform all operation in O (log (log M)) time where M = 2m.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: All the operations performed on the Van Emde Boas tree with an associative array like Insertion, Deletion, Searching and many more can be performed in O (log (log M)) time where M = 2m.

5. What is the time complexity for searching a key or integer in Van Emde Boas data structure?
a) O (log M!)
b) O (M!)
c) O (M2)
d) O (log (log M))
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Answer: d
Explanation: In order to search a key or integer in the Van Emde Boas data structure, the operation can be performed on an associative array. Hence, the time complexity for searching a key or integer in Van Emde Boas data structure is O (log (log M)).

6. Which type of tree does Van Emde Boas require to perform basic operations?
a) Unbalanced
b) Balanced
c) Complete
d) Non – Binary
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Answer: d
Explanation: The Van Emde Boas Tree data structure is also popularly known as Van Emde Boas Priority Queue. This data structure implements the array associatively for the given integer keys. It was formulated by Peter Van Emde Boas. It is a non – binary type of tree.

7. What is the time complexity for inserting a key or integer in Van Emde Boas data structure?
a) O (log M!)
b) O (M!)
c) O (M2)
d) O (log (log M))
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Answer: d
Explanation: In order to insert a key or integer in the Van Emde Boas data structure, the operation can be performed on an associative array. Hence, the time complexity for inserting a key or integer in Van Emde Boas data structure is O (log (log M)).

8. In which year was Van Emde Boas tree invented?
a) 1972
b) 1973
c) 1974
d) 1975
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Answer: d
Explanation: The Van Emde Boas Tree data structure is also popularly known as Van Emde Boas Priority Queue. This data structure implements the array associatively for the given integer keys. It was formulated by Peter Van Emde Boas in 1975.

9. What is the time complexity for deleting a key or integer in Van Emde Boas data structure?
a) O (log M!)
b) O (log (log M))
c) O (M!)
d) O (M2)
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Answer: b
Explanation: In order to delete a key or integer in the Van Emde Boas data structure, the operation can be performed on an associative array. Hence, the time complexity for deleting a key or integer in Van Emde Boas data structure is O (log (log M)).

10. Can operation like Find Next and Find Previous be implemented.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Since the Van Emde Boas data structure follows an associative array abstract data type to perform different operations. Hence, an operation like Find Next and Find Previous be implemented.

11. What is the time complexity for finding a maximum and minimum integer in Van Emde Boas data structure?
a) O (log M!)
b) O (M!)
c) O (1)
d) O (log (log M))
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Answer: c
Explanation: In order to find a maximum or minimum integer in the Van Emde Boas data structure, the operation can be performed on an associative array. Hence, the time complexity for finding a maximum or minimum integer in Van Emde Boas data structure is O (1).

12. On which abstract data type does van Emde Boas tree performs the operation?
a) Tree
b) Linked List
c) Heap
d) Associative Array
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Answer: d
Explanation: The Van Emde Boas Tree data structure is also popularly known as Van Emde Boas Priority Queue. This data structure implements an abstract data type called associative array for the given integer keys.

13. Which operation find the value associated with a given key?
a) Insert
b) Find Next
c) Look up
d) Delete
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Answer: c
Explanation: This data structure implements an abstract data type called associative array for the given integer keys. Hence, to find the value associated with a given key, Look Up operation is performed.

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