Unit Processes Questions and Answers – Methods of Reduction

This set of Unit Processes Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Methods of Reduction”.

1. Which of the following is a reduction method for the preparation of Amines?
a) Metal and acids
b) Sulphide
c) Metal and alkali
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: We have many reduction methods for the preparation of amines such as: metals and alkali, catalytic, sulfide, electrolytic, metal and alkali, metal hydrides and many more.

2. What is a Piria method?
a) Electrolytic method
b) Sulphite method
c) Sulphide method
d) Catalytic method
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Answer: b
Explanation: Sulfite (Piria method), the reaction of sodium’sulfite and bisulfite on an aromatic nitro compound leads to a mixture of amine and aminoarylsulfonic acid.

3. What product do we get if C6H5-NO2 is catalysed by ‘Zn + water’?
a) C6H5-NH2
b) C6H5-NHOH
c) C6H6-NH-NH-C6H5
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: We get C6H5-NHOH whenever we catalyse C6H5-NO2 with Zn-water.

4. C6H5-NO2 gives C6H5-NH2 under which catalyst?
a) Zn-acid
b) Zn-water
c) Zn-alkali
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Under the catalysis of Zn-acid we get: C6H5-NO2——> C6H5-NH2.


5. In the presence of what do we hydrolyse Anilide to an Amine?
a) Alkali
b) Zinc
c) Mineral acids
d) Sulphite
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Answer: c
Explanation: For the reduction of nitroanilides, in this the presence of mineral acids would tend to hydrolyse the anilide to an amine.

6. Who discovered in 1854 that nitro compounds could be reduced in the presence of iron and acetic acid?
a) Perkin’s
b) Bechamp’s
c) Cara’s acid
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Bechamp’s discovery in 1854 that nitro compounds could be reduced in the presence of iron and acetic acid and Perkin’s subsequent application in 1857 of the reaction in the commercial production of aniline were events of great significance in the development of the dye industry, and thus in the birth of industrial synthetic organic chemistry.

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7. C6H5NO2 + 2Fe + 6HCl ——–> ______ + 2H2O + 2FeCl3 complete the reduction reaction?
a) C6H5NH4
b) C6H5NO2
c) C6H5NH-C6H5
d) C6H5NH4
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Answer: a
Explanation: 2C6H5NO2 + 2Fe + 6HCl ——–> C6H5-NH4 + 2H2O + 2FeCl3.

8. What is the formula of Aryl amines?
a) C6H5-NO2
b) C6H5-NH-C6H5
c) CH3-NH2
d) C6H5-NH2
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Answer: d
Explanation: The following compound is called Arlyamine because a ring compound C6H5– is attached to NH2 i.e. amine group.


9. What is meant by an Electrophilic nitro group?
a) Repels electron
b) Attracts electron
c) Free radical atoms
d) Attract protons
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Answer: b
Explanation: Electrophilic means that attract electron whereas nucleophilic means repulsion of electrons.

10. Why do we use Iron (Fe) as catalysis in Amination by reduction processes?
a) It’s great fineness
b) High porosity
c) High oxidation power
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: A clean, finely divided, soft, gray cast iron yields the best results therefore the rate of reduction depends on the part of fineness and porosity of the iron particles, the homogeneity of the charge in the reducer, and the degree of etching imparted to the iron by the preliminary acid treatment.


11. What all factors affects the Amination by reduction process?
a) Amount of iron and water used
b) Effect of agitation
c) Reaction temperature
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The physical and chemical factors that affects the reduction processes are: effect of agitation, reaction temperature, amount of iron and water used, need of solvent and recovery of by-products etc.

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