This set of Unit Processes Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Hydrogen : Production”.
1. Hydrogen can be produced from hydrocarbon by which method?
a) Thermal decomposition
b) Partial oxidation
c) Steam reforming
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: Hydrogen is available from hydrocarbons by four processes: (1) thermal decomposition, (2) steam reforming, 3) partial oxidation, and (4) as a by-product from catalytic reforming.
2. During cracking of Natural gas, what is produced?
a) Carbon
b) Hydrogen
c) Both C and H2
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Cracking mean thermal decomposition, here thermal decomposition of natural gas produces carbon and hydrogen.
3. Which is the best method for petroleum hydrogenation?
a) Thermal decomposition
b) Steam reforming
c) Partial oxidation
d) Catalytic reforming
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Explanation: This processes is one of the best methods available to petroleum hydrogenation or synthesis plants for the production of hydrogen from natural gas, from waste refinery gas, or from the gaseous products resulting from hydrogenation.
4. Which type of reaction is catalytic reaction?
a) Endothermic
b) Exothermic
c) Neutral
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: The Catalytic reaction is highly endothermic, and so the catalyst is contained in tubes consisting of a high-chromium, nickel alloy steel capable of withstanding these high temperatures.
5. What is the other name of partial oxidation?
a) Oxidation
b) Oxygen reduction
c) Oxygen reforming
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: The other name of partial oxidation is oxygen reforming, it is a process in which producing hydrogen is there from hydrocarbons.
6. The oxygen-reforming process was first developed for use with natural gas.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The oxygen-reforming process was first developed for use with natural gas as a fuel but also has been applied to light oils and heavy bunker type fuel oils.
7. The overall reaction of partial oxidation is Endothermic.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The over-all reaction is strongly exothermic, although some of the reaction heat liberated in the first -step is absorbed by the endothermic reforming reactions.
8. Catalytic reforming produces what percentage of hydrogen?
a) 30-55
b) 45-70
c) 75-95
d) 100-150
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Explanation: By-product Hydrogen from Catalytic Reforming. The fourth process for preparing hydrogen from hydrocarbons-catalytic reforming-yields as a by-product an off-gas containing 77-95 per cent hydrogen.
9. What is meant by Bosch process?
a) Hydrogen from hydrocarbon
b) Hydrogen from water
c) Hydrogen from natural gas
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: Hydrogen from Water Gas and Steam. The water-gas catalytic, or Bosch, process is one of the most important for producing industrial hydrogen today. Water gas is readily made in standard water-gas generators from very cheap raw materials, viz., coal or coke, steam, and air.
10. In presence of which catalyst is H2 from water gas and steam extracted?
a) Magnesium oxide
b) Copper oxide
c) Iron oxide
d) Nickel
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Explanation: In Bosch process, the carbon monoxide in the gas is made to react with steam in the presence of an iron oxide catalyst, and additional hydrogen along with carbon dioxide is obtained.
11. What is the principal factor for Electrolysis of water?
a) Catalyst
b) Electricity
c) Solvent
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: Hydrogen by’ Electrolysis of Water. Cheap electrical power is the principal factor determining the production of hydrogen by the electrolysis of water. The purity of this hydrogen is an asset.
12. Which method is best for small plants for H2 production?
a) Electrolysis
b) Thermal decomposition
c) Partial oxidation
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Electrolysis, is method of hydrogen production is perhaps the best method available for small plants where the operations are not large enough to warrant the large-scale water-gas catalytic method of production.
13. Solutions of Aluminium oxide is employed in the electrolytic cells, in Electrolysis.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In electrolysis, Solutions of potassium or sodium hydroxide are commonly employed in the electrolytic cells. The solution must be circulated through the cells to avoid metal concentration at the cathode and dilution at the anode.
14. What is meant by Liquefaction?
a) Difference in Boiling point
b) Difference in Density
c) Difference in Liquid
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Liquefaction is a physical process of purification based on the difference in boiling points of the components of the gas when liquefied.
15. The cost of hydrogen depends on what?
a) Location
b) Size of plant
c) Process type
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: The total cost of hydrogen will depend on (1) the location and proximity to cheap fuel and power, (2) the size of the plant, (3) the purity of the hydrogen required, (4) the pressure at which it is employed, and (5) the type process by which it is made.
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