Unit Processes Questions and Answers – Chlorosulfonation

This set of Unit Processes Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Chlorosulfonation”.

1. What do we get on direct reaction of SO3 and HCl?
a) ClSO3H
b) ClSO22H
c) HSO2Cl
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Chlorosulfonic acid is a strong acid, and is written as ClSO3H, this compound is a strong acid, and is therefore usually written ClSO3H, its method of preparation (direct reaction of SO3 and HCl), behaviour at the boiling point (dissociation to SO3 and HCl), and mode of reaction with organic compounds (liberation of HCI and introduction of SO3 ) indicate that it is a compound of SO3 with HCI.

2. The major uses of Chlorosulfonic acid is/are in the preparation of what?
a) Aromatic sulfonyl chlorides
b) Alcohol sulfates
c) Sulfamates
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The major uses for this reagent (chlorosulfonic acid) are in the preparation of aromatic sulfonyl chlorides, alcohol sulfates, and sulfamates.

3. Sulphur trioxide cannot reacts with inorganic materials.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Sulphur trioxide reacts with inorganic materials (e.g., water, HCl) to yield compounds of varying reactivity and therefore of correspondingly varying usefulness for different sulfonation reactions, it also reacts with many organic materials to form addition compounds.


4. The aromatic sulfates are stable is what solution?
a) Neutral solution
b) Alkaline solution
c) Both neutral and alkaline solution
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The aromatic sulphates are stable in neutral or alkaline solution.

5. The Oxidation and reduction are not affected on which sulphate?
a) Alkly
b) Aromatic
c) Unsaturated
d) Saturated
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Answer: b
Explanation: The aromatic sulfates are stable in neutral or alkaline solution and are not affected by the oxidation or reduction of other groupings in the molecule. Also, these sulfates are water-soluble, and the sulphate group is easy to introduce and remove.

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6. What is the Sulfamating agent in the following reaction: R-NH2 + R3-NSO3 ——> RNHSO3H-NR3 ?
a) Aniline-SO3 compound
b) Amine-SO3 compound
c) Alkly-SO3 compound
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The amine-SO3 compounds also acts as a sulfamating agents: R-NH2 + R3-NSO3 ——> RNHSO3H-NR3.

7. What is the formula of Sulfamic acid?
a) NH2SO3H
b) NH2-SO2H
c) NH3SO2H
d) NH2-SO4H
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Answer: a
Explanation: The formula of Sulfamic acid is NH2SO3H, which is also a tertiary compound.


8. What is the name of the following compound: H2S2O7?
a) Oleum
b) Sulfamic acid
c) Pyrosulfuric acid
d) Sulfuric acid
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sulfamic acid can be prepared by the reaction of urea and pyrosulfuric acid, whose formula is H2S2O7 (pyrosulfuric acid ).

9. Which group is introduced on aliphatic carbon using a mixture of sulfurdioxide and chlorine?
a) -SOCl
b) -SO2Cl
c) -SO3Cl
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: An -SO2Cl group can be introduced on aliphatic carbon using a mixture of sulfurdioxide and chlorine in the presence of a chain-initiating catalyst such as actinic light.


10. RH + SO2 + Cl2 ——-> RSO2CI + HCI, What is the name of the following reaction?
a) Sulfamic acid
b) Sulfochlorination acid
c) Sulfuric acid
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Sulfochlorination. RH + SO2 + Cl2 ——-> RSO2CI + HCI , It was discovered by Reed in 1936 that an -SO2Cl group can be introduced on aliphatic carbon using a mixture of sulfurdioxide and chlorine in the presence of a chain-initiating catalyst such as actinic light.

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