Traffic Engineering Questions and Answers – Underwood’s Exponential Model

This set of Traffic Engineering Question Bank focuses on “Underwood’s Exponential Model”.

1. According to Underwood’s Exponential Model, what is the relation between speed and density?
a) Linear
b) Parabolic
c) Elliptical
d) Exponential
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Answer: d
Explanation: According to Underwood’s Exponential Model the relation between speed and density is exponential. This model was made to overcome the limitation of Greenberg’s Logarithmic model.

2. Which of the following given options shows the correct relationship between speed and density according to Underwood’s Exponential Model?
a) v = vf.e-k/ko
b) v = vf/e-k/ko
c) v = vf*e-k/ko
d) v = vf+e-k/ko
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Answer: a
Explanation: v = vf.e-k/ko is the correct relationship between speed and density according to Underwood’s Exponential Model. Underwood’s Exponential Model is a macroscopic stream model.

3. What is the drawback of Underwood’s Exponential Model?
a) Cannot be used for predicting speeds at high densities
b) Cannot be used for predicting speeds at low densities
c) Cannot be used for predicting flow at high densities
d) Cannot be used for predicting mean speed at high densities
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Answer: a
Explanation: The drawback of Underwood’s Exponential Model is that it cannot be used for predicting speeds at high densities. This is because, in this model, speed becomes zero only when the density reaches infinity.

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