This set of Traffic Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Model Speed and Median Speed”.
1. What is Modal speed?
a) Speed that is most likely to occur
b) Speed that is least likely to occur
c) Peak speed
d) Minimum speed
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Explanation: Modal speed is the speed that is most likely to occur. Modal speed is a measure of central tendency. It is a value of speed that occurs often in the sample of spot speed in the given data.
2. Which curve helps to determine Modal speed?
a) Frequency distribution curve
b) Uniform distribution curve
c) Normal distribution curve
d) Poisson distribution curve
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Explanation: Frequency distribution curve helps to determine Modal speed graphically. A vertical line is drawn from the crest of the curve and the modal speed is the value on horizontal axis of the graph.
3. What is Median speed?
a) Speed that divides the distribution in to equal parts
b) Speed that divides the distribution in to unequal parts
c) Speed that is most likely to occur
d) Speed that is least likely to occur
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Explanation: Speed that divides the distribution in to equal parts is known as median speed. This means that there are equal number of observations of speeds which are higher than the median as there are lower than the median.
4. Median speed is a negative value.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The statement, “Median speed is a negative value” is false. The accurate statement is, “Median speed is a positive value”. Median speed value is not affected by the absolute value of extreme observations
5. Median speed is the 50th percentile speed in _______
a) Frequency distribution curve
b) Normal distribution curve
c) Cumulative frequency curve
d) Uniform distribution curve
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Explanation: The Median speed of the speed distribution is the 50th percentile speed in Cumulative frequency curve. 50% of all the observed speeds should be below the median speed.
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