Tissue Engineering Questions and Answers – Development of Tissue-Engineered H…

This set of Tissue Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Development of Tissue-Engineered Human Skin Equivalents”.

1. The technology for epidermal replacement (a confluent epithelial cell layer attached to a petroleum gauze carrier) was developed in the _______________
a) 1970s
b) 1990s
c) 2000s
d) 2010s
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Answer: a
Explanation: The innovation for epidermal substitution (a blended epithelial cell layer joined to an oilcloth transporter) was created during the 1970s. Shockingly, the pace of epidermal engraftment was not exactly perfect and even effective cases showed poor toughness and frail epithelium.

2. The epidermis is considered the outermost component of the skin and primarily comprised of ___________ a specific type of epithelial cells.
a) keratinocytes
b) collagen
c) stem cells
d) chondrocytes
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Answer: a
Explanation: The epidermis is viewed as the furthest segment of the skin and essentially involved keratinocytes, a particular kind of epithelial cells. The use of an epidermal layer gives early restoration of a practical hindrance, which is crucial in the avoidance of inordinate transepidermal water misfortune and contamination.

3. The epidermis is usually separated from a ____________
a) skin biopsy
b) grafting
c) replacement
d) regeneration
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Answer: a
Explanation: So as to deliver an epidermal skin substitution, the epidermis is typically isolated from a skin biopsy, 2–5 cm2 in size, and keratinocytes are therefore refined on fibroblasts. Epidermal Tess is sold by various organizations, for example, Genzyme’s Epicel® (Cambridge, MA, USA). Epicel® is proposed for unions of consuming wounds and comprises of refined epithelium utilizing autologous epidermal cells. Laserskin® (Fidia Advanced Biopolymers Srl, Italy), is another epidermal TES model assigned for the treatment of profound severe singeing and ceaseless ulcers.

4. Transcyte® is a non-living wound dressing produced by Advanced Tissue Sciences, Inc.
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Answer: a
Explanation: Transcyte® is a non-living injury dressing delivered by Advanced Tissue Sciences, Inc. (La Jolla, CA, USA), which cryopreserves human dermal fibroblasts on a polymeric platform and has been built up as a reasonable brief injury dressing for extracted consume wounds. Dermagraft® is a subsidiary of Transcyte® made by Advanced Biohealing and has shown the potential for treating diabetic foot ulcers (DFU).

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Tissue Engineering.

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