Tissue Engineering Questions and Answers – Biodegradable Polymers for Biomate…

This set of Tissue Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Biodegradable Polymers for Biomaterial Processing”.

1. ____________ polymers are considered to possess the property of biocompatibility.
a) Biodegradable
b) Bioequivalent
c) Bioavailable
d) Man-made
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Answer: a
Explanation: Biodegradability is regularly a basic factor since frameworks ought to ideally be consumed by the encompassing tissues without the need for a careful evaluation.

2. What is the ideal composition of the polymer at the time of incorporation?
a) Liquid
b) Gas
c) Solid
d) Aerosol
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Answer: a
Explanation: Preferably an injectable pre-polymer arrangement ought to be in fluid/glue structure, serializable without causing any major change, and have the ability to consolidate natural network necessities to be valuable in tissue building applications. Upon infusion, the pre-polymer blend should attach to the organic surface and fix to a strong and permeable structure with fitting mechanical properties to suit the application. The curing should be with minimal heat generation and the chemical reactions involved in curing should not damage the cells or adjacent tissues.

3. Biodegradable biomaterials are of two types, namely natural and __________
a) synthetic
b) protein-based
c) acrylic-based
d) ceramic
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Answer: a
Explanation: Biodegradable biomaterials are of two types, namely natural and synthetic. The natural ones are based on proteins and polysaccharides. The synthetic ones are based on PGA, PLA, PAA, etc.

4. Biodegradable biomaterials have high process-ability into porous structures.
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Answer: a
Explanation: Unlike ceramic biomaterials, Biodegradable biomaterials have high process-ability into porous structures and low brittleness.

5. What is the major drawback of biodegradable polymers?
a) Fast oxidation
b) Slow process-ability
c) Brittleness
d) Strength
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Answer: a
Explanation: One of the obstacles in degradable metals improvement is quick oxidation bringing about early decay of mechanical properties and huge particle fixations in tissues.

6. Biodegradable biomaterials can only be degraded by enzymatic reactions.
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Answer: b
Explanation: There are many possible mechanisms of degradation for materials in vivo, including stress cracking, fatigue cracking, hydrolysis, oxidation, and degradation by enzymes.

7. Biodegradable polymers can be used as a carrier for drugs.
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Answer: b
Explanation: Polymers may likewise exemplify living cells or biomolecules which help in the mending procedure, anyway most debased manufactured polymer side-effects can’t be completely resorbed and are rather discharged by the body.

8. Which type of drug encapsulation method has been represented in the diagram?
Find type of drug encapsulation method represented in the diagram
a) Liposome
b) Micelle
c) Micro sphere
d) Nano capsule
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Answer: b
Explanation: Polymeric micelles are nanoscopic core/shell structures shaped by amphiphilic square copolymers. Both the inbuilt and modifiable properties of polymeric micelles make them especially appropriate for medication conveyance purposes.

9. Biodegradable in excess can prove to be poisonous.
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the case of synthetic biodegradable polymers there is a potential presence of toxic substances when broken down such into simpler monomers or the additives used during the process of polymerization.

10. The properties of biodegradable polymers remain fixed for everyone.
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Answer: b
Explanation: Customization of properties, both bulk and surface, unlike the metallic polymers. In metallic polymers, the properties depend on the kind of metal in use.

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