Strength of Materials Questions and Answers – Thick Cylinder Shell

This set of Strength of Materials Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Thick Cylinder Shell”.

1. _______ is as the maximum energy that can be absorbed within the proportionality limit.
a) Proof resilience
b) Modulus of resilience
c) Impact resilience
d) Resilience
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Answer: a
Explanation: Proof resilience is defined as the maximum that can be absorbed with in the proportionality limit without creating a permanent distortion.

2. The compressive strength of brittle materials is _________ its tensile strength.
a) Equal to
b) Less than
c) Greater than
d) As same as
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Answer: c
Explanation: The compressive strength of brittle materials is greater than its tensile strength. The tensile strength of ductile material is greater than its compressive strength.

3. The tensile test is carried on ________ material.
a) Ductile
b) Brittle
c) Malleable
d) Plastic
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Answer: a
Explanation: The tensile stress is carried on the tensile materials. In the same way, the compression test is carried on brittle materials.

4. The breaking stress is ____________ the ultimate stress.
a) Equal to
b) Less than
c) Greater than
d) As same as
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Answer: b
Explanation: The stress developed in a material without any permanent stress is called elastic limit and the breaking stress is always less than the ultimate stress.

5. The ductility of a material is __________ to the increase in percentage reduction in an area.
a) inversely proportional
b) directly proportional
c) equal
d) uniform
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Answer: a
Explanation: The ductility of material increases with the increase in percentage reduction in area of a specimen under tensile stress.
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6. The odour of water can be determined by _________
a) Jackson turbidometer
b) Osmoscope
c) Thermometer
d) Sonoscope
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Answer: b
Explanation: The main causes of odour in water are algae, sewage and dissolved gases. Taste and odour can also be expressed in terms of odour density. Odour can be estimated by osmoscope.

7. The colour of water is expressed in terms of ________
a) pH value
b) Silica scale
c) Platinum cobalt scale
d) Ppm
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Answer: c
Explanation: Colour is caused by the presence of colloidal substance is aquatic growth etc. in water should be distinguished from turbidity which is termed as apparent colour. The colour is expressed in Platinum Cobalt scale. Colour may be removed by coagulation and adsorption method.

8. High turbidity of water can be determined by __________
a) Hellipe turbidometer
b) Baylis turbidometer
c) Jackson’s turbidometer
d) Turbidity rod
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Answer: b
Explanation: The turbidity of potable water should be within 10 PPM or with in 10 units on the silica scale. High turbidity of water can be determined by Jackson turbidity metre and low turbidity of water can be determined by baylis turbidity metre.

9. The maximum permissible total solid content in water for domestic purposes should not exceed.
a) 350 ppm
b) 600 ppm
c) 500 ppm
d) 1000 ppm
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Answer: c
Explanation: Analytically, the total solids content of water is defined as all the matter that remains as residue upon evaporation. The standards for drinking water is acceptable limit is 500 ppm.

10. Membrane filter technique is used for testing?
a) Copper
b) E -coli
c) Bacteria
d) Boron
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Answer: b
Explanation: Membrane filter technique is considered as superior method. In this procedure, unknown volume of water sample is filtered through a membrane with opening less than 0.5 microns.

11. E – coli was formerly known as _________
a) F. Coli
b) B. Coli
c) G. Coli
d) R. Coli
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Answer: b
Explanation: The pathogenic bacteria are generally inherent in the qualifying group of Bacteria of which the bacillus coli (B. Coli) now called as Escherichia coli (E.Coli ) is prominent.

12. ______ sample collected at an instant particularly.
a) Composite
b) Grab
c) Integrated
d) Differential
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Answer: b
Explanation: To determine the character of the sample, at that particular instant is known as grab sample. The frequency of grab sampling depends upon the magnitude of fluctuation in the quality of source.

13. Which of the following samples is also known as catch sample?
a) Integrated
b) Composite
c) Grab
d) Scratch
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Answer: c
Explanation: In sampling, catch sample collected from the sampling spot at any instant. It is also known as grabbing sample. It is influenced by the nature of tests are to be conducted.

14. If fluoride concentration in drinking water increases to more than ______ ppm, it causes fluorosis.
a) 2.5
b) 2
c) 1.5
d) 3
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Answer: c
Explanation: When the concentration of fluoride increases to more than 1.5 ppm, a disfigurement involving staining of teeth known as mottled tooth enamel is caused. This disease is also termed as fluorosis.

15. What is the desirable limit for sulphates in drinking water?
a) 180 ng/L
b) 230 mg/L
c) 150 mg/L
d) 340 mg/L
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sulphates ion is one of the major ions occurring in natural waters. In drinking water, sulphate causes a laxative effect and leads to scale formation in boilers. The desirable limit in drinking water is 150 mg /L.

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