Strength of Materials Questions and Answers – Sudden Loading

This set of Strength of Materials Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Sudden Loading”.

1. What is the relation between maximum stress induced due to sudden loading to maximum stress the gradual loading?
a) Maximum stress in sudden load is equal to the maximum stress in gradual load
b) Maximum stress in sudden load is half to the maximum stress in gradual load
c) Maximum stress in sudden load is twice to the maximum stress in gradual load
d) Maximum stress in sudden load is four times to the maximum stress in gradual load
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Answer: c
Explanation: Maximum stress in sudden loading = 2P/A
Maximum stress in gradual loading = P/A.

2. What is the strain energy stored in a body when the load is applied suddenly?
a) σE/V
b) σE2/V
c) σV2/E
d) σV2/2E
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Answer: d
Explanation: Strain energy in gradual loading = σ2V/2E.

3. A tensile load of 60kN is suddenly applied to a circular bar of 4cm diameter. What will be the maximum instantaneous stress induced?
a) 95.493 N/mm2
b) 45.25 N/mm2
c) 85.64 N/mm2
d) 102.45 N/mm2
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Answer: a
Explanation: Maximum instantaneous stress induced = 2P/A = 2×60000/400π = 95.49 N/mm2.

4. A tensile load of 60kN is suddenly applied to a circular bar of 4cm and 5m length. What will be the strain energy absorbed by the rod if E=2×105 N/mm2?
a) 140.5 N-m
b) 100 N-m
c) 197.45 N-m
d) 143.2 N-m
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Answer: d
Explanation: Maximum instantaneous stress induced = 2P/A = 2×60000/400π = 95.49 N/mm2
Strain energy = σ2V/2E = 95.492 x 2×106π / (2x2x105) = 143238 N-mm = 143.23 N-m.

5. A tensile load of 100kN is suddenly applied to a rectangular bar of dimension 2cmx4cm. What will be the instantaneous stress in bar?
a) 100 N/mm2
b) 120 N/mm2
c) 150 N/mm2
d) 250 N/mm2
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Answer: d
Explanation: Stress = 2x load / area = 2×100,000/ (20×40) = 250 N/mm2.
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6. 2 tensile load of 100kN is suddenly applied to a rectangular bar of dimension 2cmx4cm and length of 5m. What will be the strain energy absorbed in the bar if E=1×105 N/mm2?
a) 312.5 N-m
b) 314500 N-mm
c) 1250 N-m
d) 634 N-m
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Answer: c
Explanation: Stress = 2xload / area = 2×100,000/ (20×40) = 250 N/mm2
Strain energy = σ2V/2E = 250x250x20x40x5000/ (2×100,000) = 1250000 N-mm = 1250 N-m.

7. A steel rod is 2m long and 50mm in diameter. A axial pull of 100kN is suddenly applied to the rod. What will be the instantaneous stress induced in the rod?
a) 101.89 N/mm2
b) 94.25 N/mm2
c) 130.45 N/mm2
d) 178.63 N/mm2
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Answer: a
Explanation: Area = π/4 d2 = 625π
Load = 100kN = 100×1000 N
Stress = 2 x load / area = 2x100x1000 / (625π) = 101.86 N/mm2.

8. A steel rod is 2m long and 50mm in diameter. An axial pull of 100kN is suddenly applied to the rod. What will be the instantaneous elongation produced in the rod if E=22GN/m2?
a) 0.0097 mm
b) 1.0754 mm
c) 1.6354 mm
d) 1.0186 mm
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Answer: d
Explanation: Area = π/4 d2 = 625π
Load = 100kN = 100×1000 N
E=22GN/m2 = 200 x 109 / 106 = 200,000 N/mm2
Stress = 2 x load / area = 2x100x1000 / (625 π )
Elongation = stress x length / E = 101.86×2000 / 200000 = 1.0186 mm.

9. What will be the amount of axial pull be applied on a a 4cm diameter bar to get an instantaneous stress value of 143 N/mm2?
a) 50kN
b) 60kN
c) 70kN
d) 80kN
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Answer: b
Explanation: Instantaneous stress = 2 x load / area
Load = instantaneous stress x area / 2
= 143 x 400×3.14 / 2 = 60kN.

10. What will be the instantaneous stress produced in a bar 10cm2 in area ans 4m long by the sudden application of tensile load of unknown magnitude, if the extension of the bar due to suddenly applied load is 1.35mm if E = 2×105 N/mm2?
a) 67.5 N/mm2
b) 47 N/mm2
c) 55.4 N/mm2
d) 78.5 N/mm2
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Answer: a
Explanation: The value of stress = load / area where area is 10cm2 and load can be calculated by stress strain equation.

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