Strength of Materials Questions and Answers – Kernel of a Section

This set of Strength of Materials Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Kernel of a Section”.

1. The approximate percentage of steel taken for lintels in the absence of detailed design is _______
a) 0.6-1%
b) 0.5-0.7%
c) 0.7-1%
d) 0.8-1.2%
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Answer: c
Explanation: RCC work maybe in foundations, columns, lintels, beams, floor& slabs the estimate is prepared in cubic metres. In absence of detailed design, the percentage of steel reinforcement is taken for lentils 0.7 to 1% and foundation raft footing it is 0.5 to 0.8%.

2. Mix proportion for M20 grade mix is _________
a) 1:3:6
b) 1:1.5:3
c) 1:4:8
d) 1:5:10
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mix proportion for M20 grade mix is 1:1.5:3.

Grade of Concrete Mix Proportionate
M10 1:3:6
M15 1:2:4
M20 1:1.5:3

3. The limit state corresponding to deflection, cracking and vibrations are _______
a) Limit state of collapse
b) Limit state of serviceability
c) Special limit state
d) Limit state of safety
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Answer: b
Explanation: Limit state of serviceability refers to the ability of the structure at working loads it is the state of limit at which the structure undergoes heavy deflection which affects the finishes casting discomfort to the users.

4. In reinforcing of Steel bars, the end and side covers are taken as ____________ to ____________ mm.
a) 40 to 50mm
b) 30 to 45mm
c) 50 to 75mm
d) 35 to 50mm
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Answer: a
Explanation: For reinforcement of Steel bars, the end and side covers are taken as 40 to 50 mm and the bottom and top covers 12 to 20 mm for slab and 25 to 50 mm for beams.

5. The field capacity of a soil depends upon _____________ factor.
a) Porosity of soil
b) Soil Tension
c) Saturation capacity
d) Initial regime
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Answer: a
Explanation: The maximum amount of water content which can be held by soil particles against the force of gravity is called as field capacity. It is the upper limit of the capillary rise of water. It firmly depends on the porosity of soil.

6. According to Fannings formula the flood discharge in cumecs is given by Q = ______________
a) CA2/3
b) CA3/4
c) CA5/6
d) CA7/8
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Answer: c
Explanation: The emperical formula for flood discharge given by various scientists is
i. Dicken’s – CA3/4
ii. Rvye’s – CA2/3
iii. Fannings – CA5/6.

7. The estimate of flood can be made by using ____________
a) Arithmetical increase method
b) Geometrical increase method
c) By unit hydrograph method
d) Comparison with graph method
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Answer: c
Explanation: The estimation of a flood can be made by
i. Flood discharge formula
ii. By physical indication of past flood
iii. By unit hydrograph.

8. In simply supported slabs, alternate bars are curtailed at ________
a) 1/7 of span
b) 1/5 of span
c) 1/3 of span
d) 1/6 of span
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Answer: d
Explanation: In simply supported beam at least 50% off bus shall extend into the support for a length of 1/3 of development length from the face of the support and the remaining alternate bars are curtailed at one sixth of span.

9. The length of the staircase between two consecutive landings is called _______
a) Tread
b) Flight
c) Rise
d) Effective width
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Answer: b
Explanation: Stairs provide access for the various floors in a building. The stairs comprises series of steps with landings at appropriate intervals. The stretch between the two landings may be termed as a flight.

10. ________ is used in the entrance of cinema theatres and shopping malls.
a) Open well stair case
b) Dog legged stair case
c) Geometrical stair case
d) Single flight stair case
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Answer: c
Explanation: It is based on geometrical shape. The staircase is aesthetically superior compared to other types and generally used in the entrance of cinema theatres and shopping malls. This is mostly adopted in congested areas for good accessibility and proper ventilation.

11. In the design of lintel, determine the base angle of a triangle for poor masonry.
a) 40°
b) 45°
c) 60°
d) 90°
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Answer: c
Explanation: It is assumed that the load of triangle portion of the masonry is considered to act on the lintel. The base angle of the triangle depends upon the quality of brick masonry used. It may be taken as 45°for good masonry and 60° for poor masonry.

12. Calculate the height of the equilateral triangle in the design of lintel, if the masonry used is poor graded. Take effective span as 1.29 m.
a) 1.334m
b) 1.433m
c) 1.117m
d) 1.125m
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Answer: c
Explanation: Taking 60° [As masonry is of poor quality] Then height of equilateral triangle (h) = l × sin 60 °
= 1.29 × sin 60 °
= 1.117m.

13. For a simply supported beam, the basic l/d ratio should be ____________
a) 20
b) 22
c) 16
d) 30
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Answer: a
Explanation: If the beam is being checked for deflection criteria, the basic values of l/d ratio of various beams should be
1. For Simply supported beam – 20
2. for cantilever beam – 7
3. for continuous beam – 26.

14. A beam of clear span 6 metres is supported on bearings of 150 mm if the effective depth of a beam is 400 mm. calculate the effective span.
a) 6.4m
b) 6.15m
c) 6.0m
d) 6.3m
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Answer: b
Explanation: For calculation of effective span, the least of below values should be adopted:
1. Clear span + d = 6 + 0.4 = 6.4m
2. Clear span + bearings/2 + bearings/2 = 6+0.15/2+0.15/2 = 6.15m
The least of the above values is 6.15 metres. Hence effective span is 6.15 m.

15. The final deflection of horizontal members will be the level of casting should not exceed _____________
a) Span/500
b) Span/250
c) Span/300
d) Span/350
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Answer: b
Explanation: The serviceability requirement for deflection should be such that final deflection of horizontal members below the level of casting should not exceed span / 250. This is the reason that the user can’t notice the deflection. The deflection taking place after construction of partitions should not exceed span / 350 or 20 mm whichever is less.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Strength of Materials.

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