Strength of Materials Questions and Answers – Bending Stress in Unsymmetrical…

This set of Strength of Materials Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Bending Stress in Unsymmetrical Sections”.

1. Unsymmetrical bending occurs due to ______
a) The Beam cross section is unsymmetrical
b) The shear Centre does not coincide with the neutral axis
c) The Beam is subjected to trust in addition to bending moment
d) The bending moment diagram is unsymmetrical
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Answer: d
Explanation: If the bending moment diagram of a beam seems to unsymmetrical, then with respect to that diagram, the bending is said to be unsymmetrical bending.

2. A body having similar properties throughout its volume is said to be _____________
a) Isotropic
b) Homogeneous
c) Continuous
d) Uniform
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Answer: b
Explanation: A body having similar properties throughout its volume is said to be “homogeneous” and the material which exhibits the same elastic properties in all directions is called “isotropic”.

3. Principal plane has ____________
a) Maximum shear stress
b) Maximum tensile stress
c) Zero shear stress
d) Minimum bending stress
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Answer: c
Explanation: Principal stress is a magnitude of direct stress, across a principal plane which is a particular plane having no shear stress at all.

4. Calculate the Strain energy that can be stored in a body to be pulled with 100 N/mm2 stress (f) and E = 2×105 N/mm2.
a) 0.9 kNm
b) 0.05kNm
c) 0.87kNm
d) 0.54kNm
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Answer: b
Explanation: Strain energy stored in the body be “U” = f2/ 2 E × Volume.
= 1002/ 2×2×105
= 0.05 kNm.

5. Materials exhibiting time bound behaviour are known as _______
a) Isentropic
b) Reactive
c) Fissile
d) Visco elastic
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Answer: d
Explanation: Materials exhibiting time bound behaviour popularly known as visco elastic and if a body having similar properties throughout its volume it is known as homogeneous and according to one assumption, the concrete is considered to be homogeneous material.
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6. What are the units of true strain?
a) Kg/m2
b) Kg/ m3
c) No dimensions
d) N/mm
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Answer: c
Explanation: As we know strain is the ratio of change in dimension to the original dimension. It is denoted by “e”. Metres/metres hence no dimensions.

7. Revert size is generally expressed in terms of _______
a) Shank width
b) Girder length
c) Lap length
d) Shank diameter
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Answer: d
Explanation: Rivets are ductile metal pins of often used for joining structure members as in case of trusses, stanchions plate girders, cylindrical shells etc. The distance between two heads is known as shank and rivet size is generally expressed in terms of shank diameter.

8. ________ joints are necessary to keep a structure safe against shrinkage.
a) Construction
b) Functional
c) Transverse
d) Longitudinal
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Answer: b
Explanation: Functional joints are necessary to keep the structures safe against shrinkage, expansion sliding and warping of concrete. These types of joints are made by forming continuous breaks in large continuous areas of structures at suitable distance apart. The joints or breaks may be 6 to 38 mm wide.

9. The specific gravity of sand is __________
a) 2.8
b) 2.25
c) 3.2
d) 2.65
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Answer: d
Explanation: The specific gravity of sand is 2.65.

Materials Specific Gravity
Trap 2.9
Gravel 2.66
Granite 2.8
Sand 2.65

10. To what radius a silver strip 200 mm wide and 40 mm thick can be bent if the maximum stress in the ship is 80 N/mm2. Young’s modulus for Silver is 80×103 N/mm2.
a) 20m
b) 30m
c) 15m
d) 35m
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Answer: a
Explanation: Here, b = 200 mm; d = 40mm
y = 40/2 = 20 mm
f = 80N/mm2
From the relation; E/R = f/y
R = E×y / f
= 80000×20 / 80
= 20000mm = 20m.

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