SQL Server Questions and Answers – Query Plan Reuse

This set of SQL Server Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Query Plan Reuse”.

1. The use of parameters, including parameter markers in _______ applications, can increase the reuse of execution plans.
b) ADO
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Using parameters or parameter markers to hold values that are typed by end users is more secure than concatenating the values into a string.

2. Point out the correct statement.
a) JDBC use parameter markers
b) Parameter markers are question marks (?) that replace a constant in an SQL statement
c) When forced parameterization is tried but fails, simple parameterization is still subsequently tried
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Parameter markers are bound to a variable

3. Use to bind an integer variable to the first parameter marker in an SQL statement.
a) SQLParameter
b) SQLBind
c) SQLBindParameter
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: SQLBindParameter is used in ODBC applications

4. Which of the following query cannot be parameterized according to the rules of forced parameterization?

SELECT * FROM Person.Address
WHERE AddressID = 1 + 2;


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SELECT * FROM Person.Address
WHERE AddressID = 1;


SELECT * FROM Person.Address
WHERE AddressID = 2;

d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: When Forced parameterization is enabled, Simple parameterization can still occur.


5. Point out the wrong statement.
a) MisGuided Plan Executions/sec represents the number of plan executions per second in which the query plan has been generated by using a plan guide
b) Execution plans remain in the procedure cache as long as there is enough memory to store them
c) When a user process inserts an execution plan into the cache, the user process sets the current cost equal to the original query compile cost
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Guided Plan Executions/sec represents number of plan executions per second in which the query plan has been generated by using a plan guide.

6. Which of the following SQL Server SQL Statistics counter represents number of auto-parameterization attempts per second?
a) Batch Requests/sec
b) Failed Auto-Params/sec
c) Forced parameterizations/sec
d) Auto-Param Attempts/sec
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Answer: d
Explanation: Auto-parameterization occurs when an instance of SQL Server tries to parametrize a Transact-SQL request by replacing some literals with parameters so that reuse of the resulting cached execution plan across multiple similar-looking requests is possible.

7. The maximum size for all caches is a function of the ________ size.
a) RAM
b) Buffer pool
c) Hard disk
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The resource monitor and user threads can examine plans run concurrently to decrease the current cost for each unused execution plan.

8. The conditions that invalidate a plan include which of the following?
a) An explicit call to sp_compile
b) Executing a stored procedure using the WITH COMPILE option
c) Changes made to a table or view referenced by the query
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: ALTER TABLE and ALTER VIEW are used to made changes to the table.

9. What is the syntax for DBCC FREEPROCCACHE with all the optional parameters in T-SQL?
a) DBCC FREEPROCCACHE [ ( { plan_handle | sql_handle | pool_name } ) ]
b) DBCC FREEPROCCACHE [ ( { plan_handle | sql_handle | pool_name } ) ] [ WITH NO_INFOMSGS ]
c) DBCC FREEPROCCACHE [ ( { sql_handle | pool_name } ) ] [ WITH NO_INFOMSGS ]
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: DBCC FREEPROCCACHE removes all elements from the plan cache, removes a specific plan from the plan cache by specifying a plan handle or SQL handle, or removes all cache entries associated with a specified resource pool.

10. _________ uniquely identifies a query plan for a batch that has executed and whose plan resides in the plan cache.
a) pool_name
b) plan_handle
c) sql_handle
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: plan_handle is varbinary(64) and can be obtained from the various dynamic management objects.

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