This set of Software Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Embedded Software”.
1. Which of the following is a category of a stimuli?
a) Periodic stimuli
b) Software stimuli
c) Hardware stimuli
d) Management stimuli
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Explanation: Periodic stimuli occur at predictable time intervals. For example, the system may examine a sensor every 50 milliseconds and take action depending on that sensor value.
2. Which of the following activities may be included in a real-time software design process?
a) Platform selection
b) Timing analysis
c) Process design
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: All these can be implemented.
3. Which of the following is not a real-time architectural pattern
a) Observe and React
b) Environmental Control
c) Embedded System
d) Process Pipeline
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Explanation: Embedded systems’ patterns are process-oriented rather than object- or component-oriented .
4. RTOS stands for
a) real-life operating system
b) real-time operating system
c) real-time operating software
d) real-life operating software
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Explanation: Embedded applications are built on top of a real-time operating system (RTOS).
5. The times by which stimuli must be processed and some response produced by the system is known as
a) Compile time
b) Frequency
c) Deadlines
d) Execution time
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Explanation: If the system does not meet a deadline then, it results in a system failure; in a soft real-time system, it results in degraded system service .
6. The switch to backup power must be completed within a deadline of
a) 50 ms
b) 55 ms
c) 70 ms
d) 100 ms
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Explanation: The time required to power failure stimuli is 50 millisecond.
7. An example of a system that may use a process pipeline is a _________
a) High-speed data acquisition system
b) Failure of a power supply in an embedded system
c) Both High-speed data acquisition system AND Failure of a power supply in an embedded system
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Data acquisition systems collect data from sensors for subsequent processing and analysis. These systems are used in situations where the sensors are collecting a lot of data from the system’s environment and it isn’t possible or necessary to process that data in real time.
8. Periodic occur irregularly and unpredictably and are usually signaled using the computer’s interrupt mechanism.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: This is the case for Aperiodic stimuli
9. If you detect power failure by monitoring a voltage level, you have to make more than one observation to detect that the voltage is dropping.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: If you run the process 250 times per second, this means that it runs every 4 ms and you may require up to two periods to detect the voltage drop.
10. The average execution time of the power monitor process should be less than
a) 1ms
b) 10ms
c) 100ms
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: General embedded software property.
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