Software Defined Radio Architecture Questions and Answers – Software Architec…

This set of Software Defined Radio Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Software Architecture – 2”.

1. Software communication architecture runs on _______ and _______ hardware.
a) heterogeneous, centralized
b) homogeneous, centralized
c) heterogeneous, distributed
d) homogeneous, distributed
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Answer: c
Explanation: Software communication architecture is a complex architecture that provides support for secure signal processing applications that run on heterogeneous and distributed hardware. It was developed under Joint Tactical Radio System program.

2. Which of the following is not a facility provided by software communication architecture?
a) Installation of waveform
b) Management of waveform
c) Management of thread
d) Interaction with external services
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Answer: c
Explanation: Software communication architecture is a component based management architecture. The infrastructure provides the facility to create, install, manage, and de-install waveforms for a component. It provides control of hardware and supports communication with external services via interfaces.

3. CORBA is used to ____
a) install waveform
b) maintain consistent interfaces
c) control hardware
d) manage hardware
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Answer: b
Explanation: Common Object Request Broker Architecture is used to maintain consistent interfaces. Remote procedure calls can be made as if the data resides on local memory even if the data actually resides on a remote computer.

4. Different pieces of software communication architecture is linked to the operating system through ____
a) Common Object Request Broker Architecture and Interface Definition Language
b) Aspect Oriented Programming and Interface Definition Language
c) Common Object Request Broker Architecture and Aspect Oriented Programming
d) Component Based Programming and Aspect Oriented Programming
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Answer: a
Explanation: Interface Definition Language is the language used by CORBA to describe component interfaces. The operating system performs system calls and is located at the core of software communication architecture.

5. The software communication architecture is partitioned into ____ parts.
a) two
b) three
c) four
d) five
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Answer: c
Explanation: The software communication architecture is partitioned into four parts namely the framework, the profiles, the API, and the waveforms. The framework is further partitioned into three parts namely base components, framework control, and services.

6. ____ class has only two member methods namely start() and stop().
a) Property Set
b) Lifecycle
c) Resource
d) Port Supplier
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Answer: c
Explanation: Resource class has only two member methods namely start() and stop() and one attribute namely the identifier. It inherits from Property Set class, Lifecycle class, Port Supplier class, and Testable Object class to offer functionalities such as initialization of a component into the framework.

7. The Property Set class facilitates other classes to ____ the resource class values.
a) copy
b) inherit
c) delete
d) query
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Answer: d
Explanation: The Property Set class facilitates other class to configure and query the resource class values by providing a set of interfaces. During run time, querying can be performed by query() interface and reconfiguration can be performed by configure() interface.

8. ____ class can release the component from the framework.
a) PortSupplier
b) PropertySet
c) Resource
d) Lifecycle

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Answer: d
Explanation: Lifecycle class provides Resource class with the ability to initialize and release a component from the framework using initialize() and releaseObject() interfaces. Initialization sets the component to a known state.

9. The interface releaseObject() ____ a component ____ CORBA.
a) installs, to
b) manages, in
c) relocates, in
d) unbinds, from
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Answer: d
Explanation: The interface releaseObject() is an interface associated with Lifecycle class. It unbinds a component from CORBA. It carries out the work required to delete an object.

10. Which of the following is not a method of the ResourceFactory class?
a) createResource()
b) releaseResource()
c) shutdown()
d) freezeResource()
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Answer: d
Explanation: ResourceFactory class is used when a Resource has to be explicitly created. The createResource() interface creates an instance of the desired Resource, the releaseResource() calls the releaseObject() interface, and shutdown() terminates the ResourceFactory.

11. ____ class is the entry point of any component.
a) Port
b) Resource
c) Resource Factory
d) Port Supplier
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Answer: a
Explanation: Port class is the entry point of any component. The explicitly defined methods of Port class are connectPort() and disconnectPort(). The actual connection based implementations are guided by a waveform’s application specific interface.

12. The interface getPort() belongs to Port class.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Port Supplier class returns a particular port from a set of ports defined for a component. The interface getPort() belongs to Port Supplier class. It returns the port specified in the method argument.

13. The software communication architecture supports multiple processors in the core.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The location independence offered by CORBA allows multiple processors to be present in the core. Legacy software, non-CORBA processing hardware, security, management software, and an integrated file system are other parts of the structure of SCA.

14. Which of the following is not a goal set by Joint Tactical Radio System while publishing SCA?
a) Increased flexibility
b) Increased interoperability
c) Reuse of design modules
d) Reduction of operation cost
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Answer: c
Explanation: Increased flexibility and interoperability, reduction of supportability and operation cost and easy technology insertion are some of the goals of Joint Tactical Radio System. Reuse of design modules is an optimization technique adapted to achieve the goal of JTRS.

15. The components of a system can be described by using ____
a) XML
c) UML
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Answer: a
Explanation: Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a text-based language that uses tags to define items, their attributes, and values. It is used for structuring information being exchanged. Unified Modeling Language and Business Process Model and Notation focus on modeling.

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