1. What are the benefits for component based product lines?
a) Being able to take faster advantage of new product and new technology
b) Higher employee productivity
c) Increase in time to market market
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: The benefits are Being able to take faster advantage of new product and new technology, High employee productivity.
2. Which of the following are incorrect needs for component based product lines?
a) More changeable system
b) More extensible system
c) Less reliable components
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: High extensible system are needed for component based product lines.
3. Interface assumptions can be into which of following forms?
a) Provides assumption
b) Required assumption
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: All of the mentioned are the two forms of Interface assumptions.
4. Which of the following are types of Interface mismatch?
a) Avoid it
b) Detect those cases you haven’t avoided
c) Repair those cases you have detected by adapting the components
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: All of the mentioned are types of interface mismatch.
5. Which of the following are techniques for repairing interface mismatch?
a) Wrappers
b) Bridges
c) Mediaters
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: All of the mentioned are the techniques for repairing interface mismatch.
6. Which of the following truly describes Wrappers?
a) Encapsulation whereby some components is encased within an alternative abstraction
b) Translation between assumptions of an arbitrary component to some provides assumptions of some other arbitrary components
c) Incorporation of planning function that in effect results in runtime determination of the translation
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Wrappers are Encapsulation whereby some components is encased within an alternative abstraction.
7. Which of the following truly describes Mediators?
a) Encapsulation whereby some components is encased within an alternative abstraction
b) Translation between assumptions of an arbitrary component to some provides assumptions of some other arbitrary components
c) Incorporation of planning function that in effect results in runtime determination of the translation
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Mediators are incorporation of planning function that in effect results in runtime determination of the translation.
8. Which of the following truly describes Bridges?
a) Encapsulation whereby some components is encased within an alternative abstraction
b) Translation between assumptions of an arbitrary component to some provides assumptions of some other arbitrary components
c) Incorporation of planning function that in effect results in run-time determination of the translation
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Bridges are Translation between assumptions of an arbitrary component to some provides assumptions of some other arbitrary components.
9. Which of the following shows properties of the others two interface repairing technique?
a) Wrappers
b) Bridges
c) Mediaters
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Mediator technique shows properties of other two techniques.
10. Which of techniques for avoiding interface mismatch?
a) A disciplined approach to specify as many assumptions about a components interface as is feasible
b) Assumptions stated assertions about sufficiency of the services provided each module
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: One of the technique to avoid interface mismatch is a disciplined approach to specify as many assumptions about a components interface as is feasible.
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