Ship Building MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1. What is the term for Right side of the vessel (watching forward)?
a) Port
b) Starboard
c) Aft
d) Forward
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Answer: b
Explanation: If watching Forward of a vessel, Right side will be Starboard, left side will be Port, Backside will be aft and Front side will be Forward of the Ship.

2. What is mooring on the ship?
a) To tie the ship on the side
b) To lay the Anchor
c) To Discharge the Ballast water
d) Cargo Handling
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Answer: a
Explanation: Mooring means to tie the ship on the side, Anchor Handling means to lay the Anchor, Ballasting means to Discharge the Ballast water, Cargo handling is the lifting of cargoes.

3. What is the meaning of “Slack Away”?
a) Hold the rope
b) Loosen the rope
c) Remove all turns
d) Off turns
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Answer: b
Explanation: Loosen the rope, so that more length is available outside. Hold the rope means no more slack should be given, Off Turn means to remove all turns from the drum.

4. Which of the following is not used during cargo lifting?
a) Derrick
b) Crane
c) Windlass
d) Block
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Answer: c
Explanation: A Windlass is a machine used to lift the Anchor cable. Derrick and crane are used for cargo lifting while Block provides Mechanical Advantage during the lifting process.

5. What is the length in One Fathom?
a) 6 meter
b) 6 centimeter
c) 8 feet
d) 6 feet
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Answer: d
Explanation: Fathom is an old depth measuring unit, used to measure the depth of Sea. Length in one fathom is 6 feet or about 1.83 m, not 6 centimeter, 6 meter or 8 feet.

6. What is the devil’s claw?
a) Cable chain locker
b) Joining Shackles
c) Warping drums
d) Locker between windlass and bow stopper
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Answer: d
Explanation: Devil’s claw is a locker between windlass and bow stopper to secure the cable, joining shackles are used to join the chain, warping drums are used for mooring the ropes, cable chain locker is used to lock the chain.

7. What is the use of Hand Lead?
a) Used for sounding the depth
b) Used for anchoring the ship
c) Used for ventilation
d) Used for mooring the rope
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Answer: a
Explanation: Hand Lead is an old instrument used to manually measure the depth of water. The anchor is used for anchoring the ship, vent pipes are ventilation while the warping drum is used for mooring the rope.

8. Which of the following is not a life-saving appliance?
a) Lifebuoy
c) Immersion Suit
d) Radio transmission Beacon
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Answer: b
Explanation: RADAR, it is used for Navigation of the Ship. Lifebuoy is used during the Emergency condition to raft the people, Immersion Suit acts as a Life jacket and protects from the high or low temperature of Seawater and Radio Transmission Beacon is used as Emergency Responder.

9. Which of the following is not a type of Davits?
a) Radial
b) Luffing
c) Gravity
d) Axial
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Answer: d
Explanation: Axial is not a type of Davit System. Davit is used to launch life-saving appliances through craft depending on the launching process; it could be Gravity, Radial and Luffing.

10. Which of the following is not a type Line throwing Appliance?
a) Speed Line
b) Plummet launcher
c) Stirrup
d) Fire type
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Answer: c
Explanation: Stirrup It is used to board a surviving craft. Speedline is a schermuly’s line throwing appliance, plummet launcher is a compressed type launcher and Fire-type is also a line-throwing appliance.

Ship Building MCQ on Marine Terms


11. What is the structural part of the ship is called?
a) Hull
b) Bow
c) Keel
d) Floor
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Answer: a
Explanation: The overall structural part of the Ship is called Hull form. The bow is the forward end of the ship, Keel is the backbone of the ship and Floors are provided where a ship is transversely framed.

12. Nippon Kaiji kyokai is the Classification Society of which country?
a) Italy
b) Japan
c) Britain
d) Norway
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Answer: b
Explanation: Japan, Nippon kyokai is the classification society of japan. Registro Italiano Navale is the classification society of Italy, Lyord’s Register is of Britain and Det Norske Veritas is classification society of Norway.

13. Which of the following Survey takes place in a very short time period?
a) Annual Survey
b) Intermediate Survey
c) Docking Survey
d) In-water Survey
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Answer: a
Explanation: Annual Survey takes place every year; Intermediate survey takes place instead of any 2 or 3 Annual surveys. Every Ship has to Dock for Docking Survey for at least once in 2½ years. In-water survey could take place in lieu of any of 2 dockings required in a 5 Year Period.

14. On which of the following factor bending stress of the ship does not depend?
a) Applied Bending Moment
b) Distance of the point considered from Neutral Axis
c) The Second Moment of cross-section of beam about the neutral axis
d) Displacement
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Answer: d
Explanation: The Bending Stress of the Ship does not depend on its Displacement. It depends on Applied Bending Moment, Distance from the Neutral Axis and the Second Moment of the cross-section of the beam about the neutral axis.

15. Which of the following is considered as strength deck?
a) Weather Deck
b) Uppermost flange of Main Hull Girder
c) Forecastle Deck
d) Poop Deck
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Answer: b
Explanation: Uppermost flange of Main Hull Girder is considered as strength deck while weatherdeck is the uppermost deck; Forecastle and Poop deck are not part of the strength deck.

16. Racking and Torsion are mainly due to?
a) Transverse Stress
b) Local Stress
c) Longitudinal Shear Force
d) Bending Stress
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Answer: a
Explanation: Due to the Transverse movement of the ship, it experiences Racking and due to the twisting moment of the ship it is subjected to Torsion. Local stresses cause Panting, Longitudinal Shear Forces cause Hogging and sagging while Bending Stress causes other failures.

17. What is the main purpose of bilge sloping?
a) Structural Arrangement
b) Drainage purpose
c) Cargo carrying
d) Ballasting
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Answer: b
Explanation: The main purpose of bilge sloping is for Drainage purpose. Cargo Holds are provided for cargo carrying, Ballast tanks are provided for Ballasting and Structural stiffeners are provided for structural arrangement.

18. “Butts are vertical welded joints and Seams are horizontal welded joints”
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: True, Butts are vertical welded joints on the plate and Seams are horizontal welded joints. Different welding adjustments are used to weld Butts and Seams joints.

19. What is the main function of Hawse pipes?
a) Helps in rope work
b) To provide a lead for cable from windlass to Anchor
c) Drainage of Green Water
d) Ventilation and sounding
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Answer: b
Explanation: To provide a lead for cable from the windlass to Anchor, Hawse pipes are provided. Warping drum helps in rope work, Gunwale is provided for Drainage of Green Water and ventilation pipes are provided for ventilation and sounding.

20. “Cruiser sterns are hydro dynamically efficient while Transom sterns provide greater aft deck area.”
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: True, Cruiser sterns are hydrodynamically efficient while Transom sterns provide greater aft deck area. Cruiser sterns are more complex in construction than Transom sterns while Transom stern provide more improved flow around stern.

21. In which of the following welding process Non-consumable Electrodes are used?
a) M.I.G.
b) T.I.G.
c) Submerged Arc
d) Flux Core Arc
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Answer: b
Explanation: In T.I.G. tungsten Inert gas welding non-consumable electrodes are used while in M.I.G., Submerged Arc and Flux Core Arc welding consumable electrodes are used.

22. Which of the following gas mixture is used in the gas cutting of Metal plates?
a) Oxy-acetylene
b) Oxy-butane
c) Oxy-methane
d) Oxy-Propane
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Answer: a
Explanation: Oxy-acetylene is preferred for gas cutting due to its high-temperature arc over Oxy-butane, Oxy-methane and Oxy-Propane. For perfect welding and cutting temperature, Oxyacetylene is used.

23. What is Thermal gauging?
a) Removal of unwanted hot metal by blowing it
b) Edge preparation
c) Riveting
d) Thermal Cutting
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Answer: a
Explanation: Thermal Gauging is the removal of unwanted hot metal by blowing it by air, Edge preparation is the side cutting, Riveting is the joining process of two plates, thermal cutting by gas torch.

24. Cluster porosity caused due to?
a) Breaking of weld joints
b) Contamination of flux coated electrodes with moisture
c) Weak joint
d) Incomplete Fusion
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Answer: b
Explanation: Cluster porosity generally caused due to contamination of flux coated electrodes with moisture and not by the breaking of welds joints. Weak joints are caused due to in-complete Fusion.

25. Stiffeners which run transversely from keel to the main deck are?
a) Bulkhead
b) Pillars
c) Beams
d) Floors
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Answer: d
Explanation: Floors are used to transversely stiffen the outer plating, which runs transversely from keel to the main deck, pillars support the vertical stress, Beams are used to stiffening the deck plating.

26. Stiffeners which run longitudinally along the sides of the ship and used to longitudinally stiffen the outer side shell plating are called?
a) Longitudinal
b) Deck Girders
c) Stringers
d) Plating
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Answer: c
Explanation: Stringers are stiffeners which run longitudinally along the sides of the ship and stiffen the outer plating. Longitudinal are stiffeners which run parallel to keel along with the bottom of the ship, Deck girders are stiffeners which run longitudinally under decks and plating covers the sides and deck.

27. Which of the following is not a benefit of Transverse Framing System?
a) Efficient for smaller ships
b) Easy to build
c) More cargo spaces
d) High longitudinal strength
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Answer: d
Explanation: High longitudinal strength is provided by longitudinal framing system while Transverse Framing System has the benefit of Efficient for smaller ships, Easy to build and more cargo space.

28. ”Girders main role is to carry longitudinal load”
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: True, Girders main role is to carry longitudinal load. They runs along the keel from Aft to Forward and strengthen the ship from buckling. Longitudinal Framing system is preferred where vessel is larger in length.

29. What is Garboard Strake?
a) Deck Plating
b) Strake of bottom plating adjacent to the keel plate
c) Uppermost strake of side shell plating
d) Strake of deck plating adjacent to the sheer strake
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Answer: b
Explanation: Garboard strake is the Strake of bottom plating which is adjacent to the keel plate, Deck Stringer is the strake of deck plating adjacent to the sheer strake, Sheer Strake is the uppermost strake of side shell plating and Deck plating is the plating are the plates forming deck.

30. Single bottom construction is mainly found in smaller ships?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: True, Single bottom construction is mainly found in smaller ships while double construction in preferred in larger vessels for safety purpose. Single bottom are easy to construct but has less integrity from water inflow.

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