This set of Ship Building Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Naval Architecture Basic Design – 2”.
1. Prismatic coefficient of a ship does not depend on which of the following factors?
a) Length
b) Breadth
c) Height
d) Draught
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Explanation: Prismatic coefficient of a ship is the relation of ships’ displacement to Immersed Midship section Volume, so it depends on Length, Breadth and Draught of the ship but not on the Height of the ship.
2. What is the Water plane coefficient of a ship?
a) The ratio of Immersed Midship section to the rectangular area
b) The ratio of Block coefficient to the midship coefficient
c) The ratio of water plane area to the circumscribing rectangle
d) The ratio of Displacement of the ship to the rectangular volume
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Explanation: The Water plane coefficient of a ship is the ratio of water plane area to the circumscribing rectangle, The ratio of Immersed Midship section to the rectangular area is called midship coefficient, The ratio of Block coefficient to the midship coefficient is called the prismatic coefficient, The Ratio of Displacement of the ship to the rectangular volume is called Block coefficient.
3. “Transverse Centre of Floatation of a ship lies on the centerline.”
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Transverse Centre of Floatation of a ship is the centroid of water plane from the centerline of the ship. So, it lies on the centerline.
4. “Vertical Centre of buoyancy is taken from amidships”
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Vertical Centre of buoyancy is the centroid of displaced water along the vertical direction. Vertical Centre of buoyancy is taken from the keel.
5. _________ represents a convenient point of reference for small changes in the angle of inclination.
a) Longitudinal Centre of floatation
b) Transverse Centre of Floatation
c) Transverse Metacenter
d) Longitudinal Centre of buoyancy
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Explanation: Transverse Metacenter represents a convenient point of reference for small changes in the angle of inclination (>10 deg.) as it is same along the small inclinations.
6. What is Freshwater Allowance?
a) Change in the draught from sea water to fresh water
b) Change in the Heel from fresh water to sea water
c) Change in the mass to alter ship’s mean draught
d) Change in the mass once moving from sea water to fresh water
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Explanation: Freshwater allowance is the change in the Ships’ draft while going from seawater to freshwater or vice versa without changing the mass to alter Ship’s mean draught.
7. Deep sea water divers suffers problem while going down due to _______
a) Pressure decreases while going down
b) Pressure increases while going down
c) Pressure remains same but low Oxygen concentration
d) Other Biological Problem
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Explanation: As going down the sea, the level of water increases, so the pressure increases. Due to which Oxygen concentration may increases causing Oxygen bubbles to form while depressurizing.
Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Ship Building.
To practice all areas of Ship Building, here is complete set of Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.