This set of Ship Building Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Naval Architecture Basic Design – 1”.
1. Tonnes per centimeter immersion depend on which of the following factor?
a) Metacentric Height
b) Water Plane area
c) Length overall
d) Length between perpendiculars
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Explanation: Tonnes per centimeter immersion depends on water plane area and density of water, it is the mass which must be loaded or discharged to change the ship’s mean draft in seawater by one centimeter. It does not depend on Metacentric height Length overall and length between perpendicular.
2. “Longitudinal Centre of floatation is at Aft of the Amidships”.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Longitudinal Centre of floatation is the centroid of the water plane of the ship from the amidships, so the longitudinal Centre of floatation lies Aft of the amidships.
3. Righting Moment of the ship tends to_____
a) Overturn the ship
b) Return the ship to the upright position
c) Heel
d) Trim
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Explanation: Righting Moment of the ship tends to return the ship to the upright position. Upsetting moment of the ship tends to overturn the ship; Heel and Trim are caused by weight displacement along the transverse and longitudinal directions.
4. Which of the following relationship is not correct?
a) G under M: the ship is stable
b) G = M: the ship is neutral
c) G over M: the ship is unstable
d) G under M: the ship is unstable
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Explanation: If G, the Centre of gravity is under M Ship remains stable, as there will be a righting moment, If G=M, the ship is neutral as there is no moment; G over M ship is unstable due to moment.
5. Which of the following views is not a part of Lines plan?
a) Sheer plan
b) Body plan
c) Half breadth plan
d) Detail plan
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Explanation: Detail plan is mainly part of detail drawing; Lines of a ship mainly consist of 3 lines curves of hull form on three orthogonal planer views that is Sheer plan, Body plan and Half breadth plan.
6. In the Given Figure below, C denotes which part of the ship?
a) Camber
b) Forward Sheer
c) Rise of floor
d) Tumblehome
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Explanation: In the given figure the forward rise in the deck is given, So it ‘Forward Strake’. ‘Rise in-floor’ is the sidewise rise of the bottom plate, ‘camber’ is the rounded beam of the deck along the side and ‘Tumblehome’ is the inwardness of the ship’s side.
7. In the given figure, B denotes which part of the ship?
a) Bulbous Bow
b) Stern
c) Abreast
d) Keel plate
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Explanation: In the given figure, A is the Bulbous bow, which is the forward end of the ship, Stern denotes Aft of the ship, abreast denotes the side of the ship and keel plate is the bottom plate of the ship.
8. What is Midship of a ship?
a) The centerline
b) The Midpoint of the ships’ overall length
c) The midpoint between the aft and forward perpendicular
d) The midpoint along the summer load line length
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Explanation: The Midship is the midpoint of the forward and aft perpendiculars, not the Midpoint of the ship’s overall length, midpoint along the summer load line. The centerline is taken along the transverse section of the ship.
9. What is Freeboard on the ship?
a) The difference of waterline from the weather deck
b) Draught of the ship
c) Space on the weather-deck
d) Half Breadth of the ship
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Explanation: Freeboard on the ship is the difference of waterline from weather-deck. Draught of the Ship is the difference of sea level from keel inner bottom, Space on the weather-deck is the available space and Half Breadth of the ship is the breadth from centerline to ship’s extreme.
10. Hull coefficient of the ship does not depend on which of the following?
a) Length between perpendiculars
b) Draught
c) Length overall
d) Beam
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Explanation: Hull coefficient of the ship does not depend on Length overall but it depends on the ship’s Length between perpendicular, Beam draught and displacement.
11. Which of the following point is used as a point of reference for small changes in the angle of inclination?
a) Transverse Metacenter
b) Centre of buoyancy
c) Centre of gravity
d) Centre of Flotation
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Explanation: Transverse metacenter is used as a Centre of reference as it will remain the same for small changes in inclination as compared to the Centre of buoyancy, the Centre of flotation and the Centre of gravity.
12. On which of the following factor, midship section coefficient does not depend?
a) Area of Water plane
b) Extreme Breadth
c) Midship section area
d) Mean Draught
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Explanation: The Area used for midship section coefficient calculation is midship section area, Mean Draught and Extreme Breadth. Area of water plane is the area of water plane.
13. Which type of ship curvature is given in the following figure?
a) Flare
b) Tumble Home
c) Camber
d) Flat keel
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Explanation: In the given figure outward curvature of ship’s hull surface is given which is called Flare,
While In ward curvature is called Tumble Home, Camber is the transverse curvature of the deck, Flat bottom plate is called Flat keel.
14. Which of the following length is used in Damage Stability Calculation?
a) Length Overall
b) Length on waterline
c) Subdivision Length
d) Scantling Length
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Explanation: As per IMO standards Subdivision length is used in damage stability calculation which is the ship length embracing the buoyant hull and the reserve buoyancy of the ship, Length overall is the total length of the ship from the extreme ends, Scantling length is the length used by classification societies to determine required scantling and length on waterline is the length along waterline.
15. The Difference between load-displacement and light-displacement is called as _________
a) Deadweight
b) Net displacement
c) Statutory freeboard
d) Draught
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Explanation: Deadweight is the net carrying capacity of a ship which is the difference of load-displacement and light-displacement. Net displacement is total mass displacement of the ship, statutory freeboard is the allowed difference of weather deck and water-line, Draught is the depth of the sea level from ship’s bottom.
Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Ship Building.
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