This set of Renewable Energy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Importance of Non-Conventional Energy Sources”.
1. World Energy Needs are rising due to _________
a) deforestation
b) increasing population and Industrialization
c) inflation
d) natural calamities
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Explanation: The increasing world population has caused the world energy needs to rise significantly. Apart from the rapid growth of industries, the formation of new ones has increased the energy needs of the world. Due to these reasons, Conventional sources of energy are not enough, and hence we need alternative energy sources.
2. Which of the following is a disadvantage of Hydro Power?
a) They cause deforestation and affect wildlife
b) They cause harmful emissions
c) They are an unstable source of energy
d) They are not suitable for long-distance electricity transmission
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Explanation: For building Hydroelectric dams, a large area is required for which deforestation is done to clear the area which affects the local wildlife. Sometimes Dams also cause floods in Forests which damages it. Building a dam also affects the aquatic life.
3. Which of the following statement is true about conventional energy sources?
a) They cause minimum pollution
b) They are available in limited quantity
c) Coal is the most used conventional energy source in the world
d) There are sufficient reserves of Coal, Petroleum and Natural gas for the next 300 years
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Explanation: Conventional energy sources like Coal, Petroleum, Natural gas, etc, are major causes of pollution and ozone layer depletion. There are limited reserves of conventional energy sources, which are bound to be finished. At the current rate of consumption, the approximate lifetime of the world’s petroleum, natural gas, and coal reserves are 50 years, 52.8 years, and 153 years, respectively. Oil is the most used energy source in the world. At present 31 percent of the world energy needs are fulfilled by Oil.
4. All of the conventional energy sources are Non-Renewable.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Apart from Hydro Power, all other Conventional energy sources are Non-renewable. In Hydropower generation flowing water is used to generate electricity. It is considered a renewable energy source because the water cycle is constantly renewed by the sun.
5. To focus on Renewable and Other alternative sources of energy, ______ was established in March 1981 by the Government of India.
a) commission for additional sources of energy
b) commission for alternative sources of energy
c) council of scientific & industrial research
d) centre for science and environment
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Explanation: Realizing the importance of Non-Conventional energy sources, in March 1981 the government of India established a Commission for Additional Sources of Energy (CASE), in the Department of Science and Technology. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) was established in September 1942 to bring Science and Technology to India. CSE (Centre for Science and Environment) was established in 1980 and works on environment-development issues in India.
6. IREDA was developed by the Government of India _______
a) to implement more efficient methods for using Conventional Energy sources
b) to promote the Development of Non-Conventional Energy Sources
c) to develop Nuclear Energy in India
d) to control pollution
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Explanation: Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd (IREDA) was established in 1987 to promote the use of Non-Conventional sources of energy. It is operated by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).
7. Apart from supplying energy, fossil fuels are used for_________
a) storing energy in solar ponds
b) drying Vegetables
c) rotating turbine in Hydro Power plants
d) manufacture of Organic Chemicals
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Explanation: Solar pond collects thermal energy from sunlight. The salt content of the pond increases with depth. It doesn’t require any fuel for storing energy. Apart from fulfilling energy needs, fossil fuels are also used as feedstock materials for the manufacture of organic chemicals. Solar dryers are used to dry foods i.e. Fruits, Vegetables, etc. In Hydroelectric power plants, turbines are rotated by the Kinetic Energy of water.
8. The only country having a full-fledged ministry for Development of New and Renewable Resources is _____
a) India
b) Bangladesh
c) USA
d) China
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Explanation: India is the only country having a full-fledged ministry devoted to Developing New and Renewable Energy Sources. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy or MNRE is a ministry of the Government of India. The ministry was established as the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources in 1992.
9. CASE was established after the Oil Crisis of 1973.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The Energy Crisis of the 1970s i.e. Oil crisis of 1973 and Energy Crisis of 1979 caused a shortage of petroleum (and other commonly used sources) and elevation in its price. This led to the establishment of the Commission for Additional Sources of Energy (CASE) in the Department of Science & Technology (India) in March 1981. It involved the formulation of policies, their implementation, and Research and Development in the field of New and Renewable energy sources.
10. Which of the following schemes was launched by MNRE?
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Explanation: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy(MNRE) launched the Kisan Urja Suraksha evem Utthan Mahabhiyan (KUSUM) scheme for farmers for installation of solar pumps and grid-connected solar and other renewable power plants in the India. This scheme was launched with the aim to promote solar farming in India. Its launch was approved on 19 February 2019 by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs(CCEA).
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