This is a Python program to print nth Fibonacci number using dynamic programming with top-down approach or memoization.
Fibonacci numbers are defined by the sequence f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1 and f(n) = f(n – 1) + f(n – 2) for n >= 2. The program prompts the user to enter n and it prints the nth Fibonacci number.
1. Two functions are defined, fibonacci and fibonacci_helper.
2. fibonacci_helper takes two arguments, a list r and a number n.
3. r[n] will contain the nth Fibonacci number.
4. fibonacci_helper fills the list r as it runs.
5. The function works by using the formula r[i] = r[i – 1] + r[i – 2] if i >= 2 and r[i] = i if i == 0 or i == 1.
6. The function is implemented recursively and as Fibonacci numbers are calculated they are stored in r.
7. If a Fibonacci number has been already calculated and stored in r, then it is immediately returned and not calculated again.
8. The function fibonacci takes a number n and returns the nth Fibonacci number.
9. It creates a list r and calls fibonacci_helper on n and r to get the nth Fibonacci number.
Here is the source code of a Python program to print the nth Fibonacci number using dynamic programming with memoization. The program output is shown below.
def fibonacci(n): """Return the nth Fibonacci number.""" # r[i] will contain the ith Fibonacci number r = [-1]*(n + 1) return fibonacci_helper(n, r) def fibonacci_helper(n, r): """Return the nth Fibonacci number and store the ith Fibonacci number in r[i] for 0 <= i <= n.""" if r[n] >= 0: return r[n] if (n == 0 or n == 1): q = n else: q = fibonacci_helper(n - 1, r) + fibonacci_helper(n - 2, r) r[n] = q return q n = int(input('Enter n: ')) ans = fibonacci(n) print('The nth Fibonacci number:', ans)
1. The user is prompted to enter n.
2. fibonacci is called to compute the nth Fibonacci number.
3. The result is then displayed.
Case 1: Enter n: 5 The nth Fibonacci number: 5 Case 2: Enter n: 13 The nth Fibonacci number: 233 Case 3: Enter n: 0 The nth Fibonacci number: 0
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