Python Program to Find the Smallest Set of Unit-Length Closed Intervals using Greedy Algorithm

This is a Python program to find smallest set of unit-length closed intervals that contains all points using greedy algorithm.

Problem Description

We are given a set of points on the x-axis. We have to find the minimum number of closed intervals of length 1 that will contain all of these points.

Problem Solution

1. The function smallest_unit_length_intervals is defined.
2. It takes a list points as argument.
3. points is a list of numbers that represent points on the x-axis.
4. The list points is first sorted in ascending order.
5. The algorithm works by first including the closed interval [p, p + 1] where p is the rightmost point (i.e. the point with the smallest value).
6. All the points that are included within this interval are discarded.
7. The next rightmost point q is selected and the closed interval [q, q + 1] is included.
8. The above process continues until there are no remaining points.
9. The solution set is returned which is the smallest-size set of closed intervals that contain all the given points.

Program/Source Code

Here is the source code of a Python program to find smallest set of unit-length closed smallest_unit_length_intervals that contains all points using greedy algorithm. The program output is shown below.

def smallest_unit_length_intervals(points):
    """Return smallest set with unit-length intervals that includes all points.
    A smallest set containing closed intervals is returned such that each point
    is included in some interval.
    The intervals are in the form of tuples (a, b).
    points is a list of points on the x-axis.
    smallest_set = set()
    end_of_last_interval = float('-inf')
    for p in points:
        if end_of_last_interval <= p:
            interval = (p, p + 1)
            end_of_last_interval = p + 1
    return smallest_set
points = input('Enter the points: ').split()
points = [float(p) for p in points]
ans = smallest_unit_length_intervals(points)
print('A smallest-size set containing unit-length intervals '
      'that contain all of these points is', ans)
Program Explanation

1. The user is prompted to enter the points.
2. The function smallest_unit_length_intervals is called on these points to get the smallest-size set containing unit-length intervals that contain all the given points.
3. This set is then displayed.

Runtime Test Cases
Case 1:
Enter the points: 1 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.2 3.4 4.5 5.6 5.9
A smallest-size set containing unit-length intervals that contain all of these points is {(1.0, 2.0), (4.5, 5.5), (2.1, 3.1), (3.4, 4.4), (5.6, 6.6)}
Case 2:
Enter the points: 2.1 10.3 11.2
A smallest-size set containing unit-length intervals that contain all of these points is {(10.3, 11.3), (2.1, 3.1)}
Case 3:
Enter the points: 5
A smallest-size set containing unit-length intervals that contain all of these points is {(5.0, 6.0)}

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Manish Bhojasia - Founder & CTO at Sanfoundry
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