This is a Python Program to append, delete and display elements of a list using classes.
The program appends, deletes and displays elements of a list using classes.
1. Create a class and using a constructor initialize values of that class.
2. Create methods for adding, removing and displaying elements of the list and return the respective values.
3. Create an object for the class.
4. Using the object, call the respective function depending on the choice taken from the user.
5. Print the final list.
6. Exit
Here is the source code of the Python Program to append, delete and display elements of a list using classes. The program output is also shown below.
class check(): def __init__(self): self.n=[] def add(self,a): return self.n.append(a) def remove(self,b): self.n.remove(b) def dis(self): return (self.n) obj=check() choice=1 while choice!=0: print("0. Exit") print("1. Add") print("2. Delete") print("3. Display") choice=int(input("Enter choice: ")) if choice==1: n=int(input("Enter number to append: ")) obj.add(n) print("List: ",obj.dis()) elif choice==2: n=int(input("Enter number to remove: ")) obj.remove(n) print("List: ",obj.dis()) elif choice==3: print("List: ",obj.dis()) elif choice==0: print("Exiting!") else: print("Invalid choice!!") print()
1. A class called check is created and the __init__() method is used to initialize values of that class.
2. Methods for adding, removing and displaying elements of the list have been defined.
3. The menu is printed and the choice is taken from the user.
4. An object for the class is created.
5. Using the object, the respective method is called according to the choice taken from the user.
6. The final list is printed.
Case 1: 0. Exit 1. Add 2. Delete 3. Display Enter choice: 1 Enter number to append: 23 List: [23] 0. Exit 1. Add 2. Delete 3. Display Enter choice: 1 Enter number to append: 45 List: [23, 45] 0. Exit 1. Add 2. Delete 3. Display Enter choice: 1 Enter number to append: 56 List: [23, 45, 56] 0. Exit 1. Add 2. Delete 3. Display Enter choice: 2 Enter number to remove: 45 List: [23, 56] 0. Exit 1. Add 2. Delete 3. Display Enter choice: 0 Exiting! Case 2: 0. Exit 1. Add 2. Delete 3. Display Enter choice: 1 Enter number to append: 10 List: [10] 0. Exit 1. Add 2. Delete 3. Display Enter choice: 1 Enter number to append: 7 List: [10, 7] 0. Exit 1. Add 2. Delete 3. Display Enter choice: 0 Exiting!
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