This set of Python Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Operating System”.
1. What does contain?
a) the name of the operating system dependent module imported
b) the address of the module os
c) error, it should’ve been
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: It contains the name of the operating system dependent module imported such as ‘posix’, ‘java’ etc.
2. What does print(os.geteuid()) print?
a) the group id of the current process
b) the user id of the current process
c) both the group id and the user of the current process
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: os.geteuid() gives the user id while the os.getegid() gives the group id.
3. What does os.getlogin() return?
a) name of the current user logged in
b) name of the superuser
c) gets a form to login as a different user
d) all of the mentioned
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Explanation: It returns the name of the user who is currently logged in and is running the script.
4. What does os.close(f) do?
a) terminate the process f
b) terminate the process f if f is not responding
c) close the file descriptor f
d) return an integer telling how close the file pointer is to the end of file
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Explanation: When a file descriptor is passed as an argument to os.close() it will be closed.
5. What does os.fchmod(fd, mode) do?
a) change permission bits of the file
b) change permission bits of the directory
c) change permission bits of either the file or the directory
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: The arguments to the function are a file descriptor and the new mode.
6. Which of the following functions can be used to read data from a file using a file descriptor?
a) os.reader()
c) os.quick_read()
d) os.scan()
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Explanation: None of the other functions exist.
7. Which of the following returns a string that represents the present working directory?
a) os.getcwd()
b) os.cwd()
c) os.getpwd()
d) os.pwd()
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Explanation: The function getcwd() (get current working directory) returns a string that represents the present working directory.
8. What does do?
a) create a symbolic link
b) create a hard link
c) create a soft link
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation:, destination) will create a hard link from source to destination.
9. Which of the following can be used to create a directory?
a) os.mkdir()
b) os.creat_dir()
c) os.create_dir()
d) os.make_dir()
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Explanation: The function mkdir() creates a directory in the path specified.
10. Which of the following can be used to create a symbolic link?
a) os.symlink()
b) os.symb_link()
c) os.symblin()
d) os.ln()
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Explanation: It is the function that allows you to create a symbolic link.
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