Class 12 Physics MCQ – Charging by Induction

This set of Class 12 Physics Chapter 1 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Charging by Induction”.

1. Which among the following is the proper way of earthing?




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Answer: d
Explanation: Earthing is done from the far end of the body so that a positive charge on the body (from the figure) goes to the ground. If it is done at both far and near end, all the positive and negative charge from the ground and the body becomes electrically neutral.

2. Which among the following is the correct diagram?




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Answer: d
Explanation: During induction, the same charge is induced on the farthest end and the opposite charge is induced in the closer end. This is the basic principle of induced charge. If we try to induce with the help of a positive charge, negative charge is induced at a closer end and a positive charge at the far end.

3. If a positively charged sphere is taken close to another uncharged sphere then which of the following statements is true?
a) Induction and attraction occur simultaneously
b) Induction occurs before the attraction
c) Attraction occurs before induction
d) Attraction or repulsion may occur
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Answer: b
Explanation: If two bodies are taken close to each other, a positively charged body induces a negative charge on another body and then they attract each other. So, induction occurs before attraction. This phenomenon is also true for magnetic induction.

4. Induction occurs due to ______
a) Movement of electron
b) Leakage of charge
c) Ionization of atoms
d) Uniform charge distribution
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Answer: a
Explanation: When a positive or negative charged body comes close to another body, the electrons of the second body redistribute themselves. Electrons of the second body are attracted by the positively charged body and repelled by the negatively charged body.

5. A charge is being induced to a sphere with the help of another charged sphere. The extent of induction increase if ____________
a) The distance between the sphere increases
b) The distance between the sphere decreases
c) The two spheres are kept in contact with each other
d) Remains same irrespective of the distance between the spheres
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Answer: d
Explanation: The extent of induction increases if both the spheres are kept close to each other because the more electrons in the uncharged sphere are attracted or repelled by the charged sphere, so the extent of induction increases.
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6. During induction, earthing of the body is done for faster induction.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Earthing is done so that the unwanted charge from the body goes to ground and induction becomes proper. During induction, the opposite charge is induced at the closer end and the same charge in the far end. So we do earthing from the far end so that the unwanted induced charge is passed to ground.

7. Which one is the correct relation between induced charge and distance between the two bodies?




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Answer: a
Explanation: Induction decreases if we increase the distance between two bodies. Theoretically, at an infinite distance, the induction is completely zero and no charge is induced. But if we keep on decreasing the distance between the two objects, induction will increase. But if the two bodies touch each other, charge transfer will occur instead of induction.

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