Petroleum Production Operations Questions and Answers – Sand Control – Use of Screen without Gravel

This set of Petroleum Production Operations Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Sand Control – Use of Screen without Gravel”.

1. Using a slotted liner or screen without gravel is always recommended.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The statement is false. The corrected statement is using a slotted liner or screen without gravel is not always recommended. Unless formation is well sorted, clean sand with a large grain size this method is not recommended.

2. Which of the following is correct in the context of gravel – sand size ratio when the uniformity coefficient is less than 5; consider flow velocity is less than 0.05 ft/sec?
a) D10 gravel = 7 times D10 sand size
b) D10 gravel = 8 times D10 sand size
c) D10 gravel = 6 times D10 sand size
d) D10 gravel = 4 times D10 sand size
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Answer: c
Explanation: When the flow velocity is less than 0.05 ft/sec then in the context of gravel-sand size ratio the correct relation is D10 gravel =6 times D10 sand size. A uniformity coefficient is determined by comparing the 40 percentile with 90 percentile.

3. Which of the following is correct in the context of gravel – sand size ratio when the uniformity coefficient is greater than 5; consider flow velocity is less than 0.05 ft/sec?
a) D10 gravel = 7 times D10 sand size
b) D40 gravel = 8 times D40 sand size
c) D10 gravel = 8 times D40 sand size
d) D40 gravel = 6 times 40 sand size
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Answer: d
Explanation: When the flow velocity is greater than 0.05 ft/sec then in the context of gravel-sand size ratio the correct relation is D40 gravel =6 times D40 sand size. A uniformity coefficient is determined by comparing the 40 percentile with 90 percentile.

4. How the flow velocity is calculated in the context of gravel packing?
a) Production rate ft3/sec / 50% of the open area of slots 50%
b) Production rate ft3/sec / 100% of the open area of slots 50%
c) Production rate ft3/sec / 60% of the open area of slots 50%
d) Production rate ft3/sec / 80% of the open area of slots 50%
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the gravel-pack designing, the flow velocity is calculated by dividing the Production rate ft3/sec by50% of the open area of slots 50%.Mathematically, Flow velocity =Production rate ft3/sec / 50% of the open area of slots 50%.

5. Viscosity builders have to be used in a huge amount in gravel packing.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The statement is false. The corrected statement is Viscosity builders have to be used in a minimal amount in gravel packing. Fluid loss control and viscosity builders cause plugging operation but if required they should be used under controlled manner.
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