Petroleum Production Operations Questions and Answers – Cement Bonding

This set of Petroleum Production Operations Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Cement Bonding”.

1. What does Shear Bond do?
a) Mechanically supports the pipe in the hole
b) Chemically supports the pipe in the hole
c) Blocks the migration of fluids
d) Blocks the migration of cement
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Answer: a
Explanation: Shear Bond mechanically supports the pipe in the hole. It is measured by the ratio of the force required to initiate the pipe movement to the cement casing contact surface area.

2. What does Hydraulic Bond do?
a) Blocks the migration of cement
b) Chemically supports the pipe in the hole
c) Blocks the migration of fluids
d) Mechanically supports the pipe in the hole
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Answer: c
Explanation: Hydraulic Bond blocks the migration of fluids. It is measured by applying fluid pressure at the pipe-cement or cement-formation interface until the leakage occurs.

3. What is Micro-Annulus?
a) gap that formed between the casing and surrounding cement sheath
b) Pipe Buckling
c) Ballooning of pipe
d) Microchannel
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Answer: c
Explanation: Micro-Annulus is a small gap that formed between the casing and surrounding cement sheath. This occurs because of the temperature or pressure variation during or after cementing. It is a function of pipe expansion and contraction due to pressure and heat. On the other hand Pipe bucking and ballooning are formed due to pipe internal and external pressures.

4. What is the full form of CBL?
a) Cement Bond Log
b) Cement Bridge Log
c) Calculated Bond Log
d) Calculated Bridge Log
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Answer: a
Explanation: The full form of CBL is Cement Bond Log. CBL uses the variations in the amplitude of an acoustic signal traveling down the casing wall between a transmitter and receiver to determine the quality of the cement bond behind the casing and the formation. A low amplitude verifies a good cement bond.

5. What is the full form of VDL?
a) Variable Density Log
b) Variable Density Log
c) Variable Density Log
d) Variable Density Log
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Answer: b
Explanation: The full form of VDL is Variable Density Log. VDL is used along with the Cement Bond Log. The micro annulus and Fast formations can be identified with VDL. We can easily identify whether the bond is poor (partially bonded) or strong.
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