This set of Petroleum Production Operations Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Conventional Water Based Mud, Oil Base or Invert Emulsion Mud”.
1. Which of the following workover fluid is less damaging for clay problems?
a) Conventional Water Based Mud
b) Formation water
c) Oil Based Mud
d) Sea Water
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Explanation: Oil-Based Mud or Invert Emulsion muds are less damaging to the formation of clay swelling problems. Since the filtrate is oil in the case of Oil-Based Mud or Invert Emulsion mud and very low filtration rate can be obtained.
2. Water-based mud is better packer fluids than Oil based and invert emulsion mud for the standpoint of corrosion and settling of solids.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The statement is false. The corrected statement is Oil based and invert emulsion is better packer fluids than Water-based mud from the corrosion and setting of solids point of view.
3. Which of the following is a source of contamination to clean workover fluid system?
a) Packer
b) Atmosphere
c) Oil and Gas
d) Dirty mixing and storage tanks
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Explanation: Dirty mixing and storage tanks are the common source of contamination to a clean work over the fluid system. So as a preventive measure, the tanks should be thoroughly cleaned for the process of mixing and storage.
4. How can a dirty tubing string clean?
a) By setting a wireline plug at the bottom
b) By Packer
c) By formation fluid
d) By formation water.
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Explanation: Dirty tubing string is often may be the source of rust, scale, etc. These dirty tubings can be cleaned in the well by setting a wireline plug at the bottom and circulating HCl, IPA or simply with water along with 1 ppg of fracturing fluid.
5. Foam workover fluid is a mixture of Water and Oil.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The statement is false. The corrected statement is that the Foam is a simple mixture of air or gas dispersed in clean fresh water or field brine. Also, it containing a small amount of surfactant along with it.
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