This set of Petroleum Production Operations Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Problems with Artificial Lift Wells”.
1. If excess water production is a problem then Artificial will be a good solution.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The statement is False. The correct statement is if excess water production is a problem then Workover can be a good solution. A workover rig has to be deployed in this case to lift the zone of interest or to shut off the current zone whichever is economic.
2. If an Artificial lift pump is not pumping off then which of the following equipment will help to determine the problem?
a) Dynamometer
b) Packer
d) Barometer
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Explanation: Dynamometer is the device that will help to determine the problem of the artificial lift techniques if the Artificial lift pump is not pumping off. The dynamometer is the device that measures the power output of an engine.
3. Operation of Electric pumps is more troubling if polyethylene covered cable protected by a galvanized steel sheath is used.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The statement is False. The correct statement is that the Operation of Electric pumps is more trouble-free if polyethylene covered cable protected by a galvanized steel sheath is used.
4. What is the method of detecting early trouble in the Electric pump?
a) Packer
b) Voltmeter
c) Ammeter
d) Cable
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Explanation: The correct method of detecting early trouble in the Electric pump is by using the recording of ammeters. The correct method is to compare each day’s ammeter record with the previous week’s readings. Packer is used to isolating the annulus from production.
5. What is the original water-oil contact?
a) Depth below which Gas is found
b) Depth below which no water is found
c) Depth below which no oil is found
d) Depth below which no oil is found
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Explanation: The original water-oil contact is the depth below which no oil is found. Water oil contact is the contact between the water and the oil. For oil production perforation has to be done above the WOC.
6. What is producing water-oil contact?
a) Depth below which Gas is found
b) Depth below which no water is found
c) Depth below which no producible oil is found
d) Depth below which no oil is found
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Explanation: Producing water-oil contact is the depth below which no producible oil is found. This producing water-oil contact arises after the oil is produced in a water drive or water flood reservoir under consideration.
7. What is completion water-oil contact?
a) Depth below which first water production appears
b) Depth below which no water is found
c) Depth below which no producible oil is found
d) Depth below which no oil is found
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Explanation: Completion water-oil contact is the depth below which first water production appears. This producing water-oil contact arises after the oil is produced in a water drive or water flood reservoir under consideration.
8. What is the fingering of water?
a) Movement of oil up structure in the more permeable formations
b) Movement of gas up structure in the more permeable formations
c) Movement of water up structure in the more permeable formations
d) Movement of cement up structure in the more permeable formations
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Explanation: Fingering of water is the movement of water up structure in the more permeable formations of a multi-zone completion. Fingering of water is a rate-sensitive phenomenon. So, the proper optimum rate has to be considered for the production of oil.
9. How does Water blocking take place?
a) By circulating or killing the well with water
b) By circulating or killing the well with oil
c) By circulating or killing the well with gas
d) By circulating Emulsion
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Explanation: Water blocking takes place by circulating or killing the well with water. A water block may also arise by allowing the water to remain in the producing zones for several days or several weeks.
10. How does the communication between the conventional multiple completions can be confirmed?
a) By injecting water
b) Dynamometer
c) Artificial lift
d) Packer leakage test
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Explanation: The communication between the conventional multiple completions can be confirmed by using the Packer leakage test. This can be done by the abrupt changes in the producing characteristics.
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