This set of Pavement Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Highway Maintenance – Ride Quality – 1”.
1. What is the main goal of the ride quality of the pavement?
a) Provide smooth surface
b) Improve the performance
c) Maintain performance level
d) Extend design life
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Explanation: The goal of the ride quality of pavement is to maintain the performance of the pavement that begins operations at a high level of smoothness. This is done throughout the design life by using the appropriate rehabilitation techniques.
2. Smoother pavements give rise to more deflections on the pavement surface.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The smoother the pavement surface, the lower is the on the pavement surface. This is because the dynamic loading due to traffic is lower at a smoother surface. The reduction in dynamic loading significantly reduces the deflections.
3. Which of the below is not a response of the pavement due to loading?
a) Deflection
b) Stress
c) Strain
d) Moment
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Explanation: There are three responses due to the loading on the pavement – deflection, stress and strain. When the dynamic load is increased, these responses also increase and cause the failure of the pavement surface.
4. To assess the ride quality of the pavement, ______ is measured.
a) Transverse profile
b) Longitudinal profile
c) Transverse speed
d) Longitudinal speed
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Explanation: In order to assess the ride quality of the pavement, the longitudinal profile along both wheel paths is measured. A profile is a variation in the elevation of the pavement surface from a reference plane.
5. What is the name of the statistical method that is used to measure the roughness of the pavement?
a) RI
b) IIR
c) IRI
d) IR
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Explanation: IRI is the International Roughness Index. It is a statistical method used for evaluating the roughness of the pavement surface. A lower IRI value indicates a smoother pavement surface. It is usually measured in units of in/mi, m/km or mm/m.
6. The IRI value of the pavement under consideration was found out to be 140. Which category of roughness does this fall into?
a) Acceptable
b) Unacceptable
c) Good
d) Bad
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Explanation: There are three categories of roughness of the pavement surface depending on the value of the IRI. In the question, the pavement has an IRI value of 140. This falls under the acceptable category since the IRI value is ≤170.
7. Which of the below is not a type of the response type road roughness measuring system (RTRRMS)?
a) Bump integrator
b) Profile gauge
c) Phone-based systems
d) Accelerometer-based systems
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Explanation: Profile gauge is used to check the profile of decorative pieces during woodworks or metalworks. There are three types of RTRRMS – bump integrator, accelerometer-based systems and cell phone-based systems.
8. What is the method based on PSR that requires no judging panel?
a) PSI
b) PSG
c) PSP
d) PSF
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Explanation: PSI stands for present serviceability index and unlike PSR, it doesn’t require a panel to judge the quality of the pavement. The ride quality can be found out using a set of equations. There are different equations for flexible and rigid pavements.
9. The ratio of standard vehicle’s accumulated suspension motion to the distance travelled by the vehicle during the measurement is called ______
a) Rectified slope
b) Average rectified slope
c) Reclined slope
d) Average reclined slope
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Explanation: The IRI is based on the ARS – average rectified slope. It is defined as the filtered ratio of standard vehicle’s accumulated suspension motion in mm or m to the distance travelled by the vehicle during the measurement in km or mi.
10. Profilograph is a type of profiling device used to measure the profile of the pavement.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Profilograph and profiling device are two separate categories of devices used to find the pavement profile. Profilographs are not easy to move around and measure a large amount of data. Profiling devices, on the other hand, are widely used today because of accuracy, scaling and complete reproduction of data.
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