This set of Pavement Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Problems in Stabilization – 1”.
1. Which of the below is not an aspect to be considered for the problems in soil stabilization?
a) Soil type
b) Thickness of layer
c) Mis design
d) Stabilization technique
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Explanation: There are 3 main aspects considered in the problems related to the stabilization of soil. They are the technique used for stabilization, mix design and the thickness of the designed layer. Soil type is not an aspect, every soil type can be stabilized using a suitable technique.
2. The stabilization of soil might not be considered if ______
a) Traffic is light
b) Additives not available
c) Insufficient project fund
d) High water content
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Explanation: The stabilization process requires a high fund to complete the project. The cost of stabilizing material and the construction process is to be considered. If the fund is limited, then the locally available materials can be used for construction.
3. The mixes with less flexural strength can be designated by ______
a) Tensile strength
b) Compressive strength
c) Shearing strength
d) Torsional strength
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Explanation: The mix having less flexural strength can be designated using compressive strength. The strength characteristics of such soil type can be represented by using compressive strength, CBR or other suitable test methods.
4. The addition of ______ improves the stability of soil-bitumen stabilization on desert sands.
a) Brick aggregates
b) Kankar powder
c) Crushed stone
d) Slag
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Explanation: Kankar powder is a locally available material that has the properties to increase the stability of the soil. Hence, the low-cost additive can be used to improve the stability of soil when it is stabilized using bitumen.
5. What is the best possible way to stabilize black cotton soil?
a) Lime stabilization
b) Cement stabilization
c) Bitumen stabilization
d) Electric stabilization
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Explanation: Lime stabilization has found to be the best possible method of stabilizing black cotton soil, which is highly expansive. The amount of cement required is very high, bitumen doesn’t give satisfactory results and electric stabilization is very costly. Because of these reasons, lime stabilization is preferred.
6. The thickness of the stabilized layer is generally taken as ______ to that of the granular base course.
a) Half of
b) Two times more than
c) Two times less than
d) Equal
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Explanation: Usually, the thickness of the stabilized layer is taken as equal to that of the granular base course or by using a modification factor for gravel equivalency. The design of thickness depends on many other factors, this is taken as a general rule.
7. Black cotton soil is rich in the mineral kaolinite.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Black cotton soil has found to be rich in montmorillonite after conducting mineralogical analysis. Montmorillonite is the factor that makes the black cotton soil highly expansive. Kaolinite is a mineral in clay, commonly used in the paper industry to produce glossy pages.
8. The mix design should be done in such a way that it meets the ______ requirements of pavement layers.
a) Stability and durability
b) Stability and strength
c) Stability and density
d) Durability and strength
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Explanation: The two main parameters that influence the soil stabilization are stability and durability. Therefore, the mix design should be such that it meets both the stability and durability requirements of the pavement layers.
9. What type of specimen is used to test the flexural strength of soil-cement stabilized soil?
a) 150 mm cube
b) Beam
c) Cylinder
d) 100 mm cube
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Explanation: The stabilization process of soils containing noteworthy flexural strength can be tested for flexural strength using a beam sample. Soil-cement stabilization is a type where the soil has sufficient flexural strength.
10. Thermal stabilization of soil results in a permanent alteration of properties.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The thermal stabilization of soil is carried out by heating the soil. Heating the soil breaks down its particles to crystalline or glass products. Therefore, it results in the alteration of soil properties permanently.
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