Pavement Design Questions and Answers – Maintenance of Pavements

This set of Pavement Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Maintenance of Pavements”.

1. Which of the below is not a type of maintenance done on pavements?
a) Routine
b) Special
c) Periodic
d) Preventive
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Answer: d
Explanation: Preventive maintenance is a type of software maintenance. Pavement maintenance can be divided into three categories. They are routine, periodic and special repairs. Routine and periodic maintenance is required for all types of pavements, while the special repair is done on pavements to prevent their failure.

2. Which of the below is not an important aspect to be checked before performing the rehabilitation works?
a) Investigation of existing pavement condition
b) Scraping off the existing pavement surface
c) Performance history evaluation
d) Lab testing of pavement materials
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Answer: b
Explanation: In order to decide the type of rehabilitation work required to be performed on the pavement, the primary investigation of existing condition, performance history and lab testing of existing and rehabilitation materials are to be done. Scraping off the existing pavement surface depends on the rehabilitation type.

3. What step is to be done after the preliminary survey of the pavement has been carried out?
a) Location for material procurement
b) Location for material placement
c) Location for material sampling
d) Location for material scraping
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Answer: c
Explanation: After the survey of the existing pavement condition has been carried out, the location for the sampling of the pavement material has to be decided. After the survey, areas with damage and no damage can be differentiated and accordingly the sample for testing can be taken from those areas.

4. PMIS is a type of NDT testing to determine the condition of the pavement.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: PMIS stands for pavement management information system. The multi-year PMIS distress data is used to evaluate the performance history of the pavement. Along with this, the ride data is also used to get pavement performance history.

5. Which of the below is not a type of field survey to be carried out on the flexible pavement?
a) Drainage
b) Deflection
c) DCP
d) Strength
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Answer: d
Explanation: The field survey is necessary to evaluate the condition of the existing pavement. It can be done by conducting the drainage survey, deflection survey and non-destructive surveys like DCP. The strength characteristics of the pavement are not important when checking the condition of the pavement.

6. Which of the below is not used in the micro-surfacing?
a) Water
b) Chemical additive
c) Cement
d) Crushed aggregate
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Answer: c
Explanation: Micro-surfacing is a type of surface treatment provided to the pavement by using a mix of water, crushed aggregates, bitumen emulsion and chemical additive. It is a type of slurry seal. Roads having low or moderate distress are provided with this treatment.

7. ______ is a special repair done on the rigid pavements.
a) Mud jacking
b) Mud pumping
c) Slab pumping
d) Slab jacking
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Answer: a
Explanation: Mud jacking or lifting of the slab is the special repair conducted on the rigid pavement. The term used is mud jacking, not slab jacking. Holes are drilled, filled with grout under pressure which helps in lifting the slab to the desired height.

8. What is applied on the cleaned cracks to facilitate proper bonding of the sealant?
a) Cement paste
b) Mortar
c) Kerosene oil
d) Paint
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Answer: c
Explanation: Kerosene oil is applied to the cleaned cracks in order to facilitate the proper bonding of the sealing material. The cracks are usually filled with a bituminous sealing compound that is heated to a liquid consistency.

9. Which of the below is not a type of maintenance work carried out on flexible pavements?
a) Patch treatment
b) Surface treatment
c) Resurfacing
d) Crack filling
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Answer: d
Explanation: Crack filling cassette type of maintenance work that is carried out on rigid pavements. The types of maintenance work carried out on flexible pavements are patch treatment, surface treatment and resurfacing.

10. What does MMS stand for?
a) Maintenance Management Software
b) Maintenance Management System
c) Maintenance Monitoring Software
d) Maintenance Monitoring System
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Answer: b
Explanation: MMS stands for the maintenance management system. It is a computerized system that helps in keeping a log of the pavement condition, determining maintenance strategies and managing the overall cost of maintaining the pavement.

11. Which of the below defects in the flexible pavement requires special repair?
a) Waves and corrugations
b) Bleeding
c) Potholes
d) Cracks
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Answer: a
Explanation: Waves and corrugations is one such defect in the flexible pavement that requires special repair. Apart from this, skidding too requires special repair. Bleeding and potholes require periodic maintenance. Crack repair is an important defect mostly associated with rigid pavements.

12. In the repair of potholes, a ______ portion of the pavement surrounding it is cut out.
a) Circular
b) Rectangular
c) Square
d) Irregular
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Answer: b
Explanation: A rectangular portion of the pavement surrounding the damaged area containing the pothole is cut out. Then the area is dug till good material exists, cleaned and filled properly with good quality materials.

13. What condition of the flexible pavement would require a complete reconstruction of the pavement?
a) Highly plastic subgrade
b) High-temperature variation
c) Improper compaction of lower layers
d) Instability of underlying layer
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Answer: c
Explanation: The failure due to improper compaction of the lower layers requires a complete reconstruction of the flexible pavement. The instability of the underlying layer caused due to excessive moisture content requires designing a proper subsurface drainage system. A highly plastic subgrade requires treatment of the subgrade soil by stabilization.

14. The defect of bleeding in flexible pavements is a major cause for skidding.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Skidding is one of the major functional defects in flexible pavements. Skidding in the flexible pavement is attributed to two primary reasons – polishing of the aggregates under wheel action and bleeding on the surface of the pavement.

15. What is the cement : sand ratio used for the grouting in mud jacking method?
a) 1:1.5
b) 1:3
c) 1:3.5
d) 1:2
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Answer: c
Explanation: The grouting in the mud jacking method can be done by using cement : sand grout or bitumen. The ratio that is usually adopted for cement : sand mix is 1:3.5. A colloidal mix with sufficient water is prepared and used as the group.

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