This set of Pavement Design Questions and Answers for Aptitude test focuses on “Joints in Rigid Pavement – 2”.
1. What is the other name for the hinged joints?
a) Expansion joints
b) Contraction joints
c) Warping joints
d) Shrinkage joints
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Explanation: In order to resist the changes in the rigid pavement due to the effects of warping, warping joints are provided. It relieves the stresses due to warping. This type of joint is also called a hinged joint.
2. Joints in the rigid pavement are placed in the ______
a) Surface course
b) Sub-base course
c) Base course
d) Subgrade
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Explanation: The joints are placed on the surface course i.e. the cement concrete slab of the rigid pavement. It can be cut or provided during the laying of the slab. It is provided on the surface to serve its function properly.
3. Which of the below joints is sawed after the placement of the cc slab?
a) Expansion
b) Construction
c) Contraction
d) Isolation
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Explanation: There are two methods of forming joints. The contraction joint is the one that is usually formed by cutting or sawing after placing the cc slab. Other joints like the expansion, construction and isolation joints are formed using formworks before the slab is placed.
4. Along which direction are the expansion joints provided?
a) Transverse
b) Longitudinal
c) With traffic
d) Opposing traffic
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Explanation: The direction of a joint in the pavement can be transverse or longitudinal. It is not based on the direction of traffic. The expansion joints are provided at intervals along the longitudinal direction of the pavement.
5. Which of the below joints can be further classified into transverse and longitudinal?
a) Expansion
b) Isolation
c) Construction
d) Contraction
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Explanation: Construction joints can be classified into transverse and longitudinal joints. These are placed in between the slabs to ensure continuity of work. Therefore, it can be placed in both directions – transverse and longitudinal.
6. An isolation joint is used to ______
a) Reduce tensile stress
b) Reduce compressive stress
c) Reduce warping stress
d) Reduce load stress
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Explanation: Isolation joints are a type of joints that are primarily provided to reduce the compressive stresses that are formed at specific locations where a differential movement might take place between the pavement and any structure.
7. In contraction joints, the movement is restricted by which force?
a) Tension
b) Compression
c) Friction
d) Bending
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Explanation: In the contraction joints, the movement is restricted by the subgrade friction. Contraction joints account for the contraction of the slab. The friction is used to find the parameters related to the contraction joint.
8. The isolation joints must be filled with ______
a) Cement
b) Nothing
c) Aggregates
d) Filler
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Explanation: A preformed joint filler is used to fill the isolation joints. This is done to stop the infiltration of incompressible materials like sand, dirt or debris. If these infiltrate into the joint, then the purpose of the joint is not achieved and it will lead to failures.
9. Which of the below is not a requirement of a good joint?
a) Joint is free to move
b) Joint is restricted
c) Joint must restrain infiltration
d) Joint must not protrude
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Explanation: A good joint is supposed to have certain requirements. They are that the joint must be free to move, it must prevent any sort of infiltration and it must not protrude beyond the general level of the slab.
10. The skewed contraction joints are typically cut at ______ angles.
a) Right
b) Obtuse
c) Acute
d) Straight
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Explanation: The contraction joints can be cut at right angles as well as they can be skewed. When they are of skewed type, the joints are cut at obtuse angles to the direction of flow. These are extremely helpful in the load transfer.
11. The filler material in the isolation joint must not possess which of the characteristics mentioned below?
a) Non-absorbent
b) Non-reactive
c) Non-extruding
d) Non-penetrating
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Explanation: The preformed filler material must be non-absorbent, non-reactive and non-extruding in nature. It must be penetrable to be filler material. It is generally made from closed-cell foam rubber or bitumen-treated fibreboard.
12. Contraction joints can be used to regulate the of the ______ cracks.
a) Depth
b) Width
c) Location
d) Spread
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Explanation: The purpose of providing a contraction joint in the pavement can be to regulate the location of the cracks that are formed due to the dimensional changes in the slab. Unregulated cracks can grow and lead to failures.
13. What is a joint formed by painting the joint faces with bitumen called?
a) Lap joint
b) Butt joint
c) Filler joint
d) Link joint
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Explanation: The longitudinal joint serves the purpose of holding two adjacent slabs together. A butt joint is the simplest longitudinal joint that can be provided. This is done by painting the faces of the joint with bitumen and hence holding them together.
14. The filler material must be inelastic in nature.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The filler material to be placed in the joint must be elastic in nature. This is to allow the filler to remain in good condition after the expansion and contraction of the slab. It will come back to its original form and be longlasting.
15. What happens to the joint sealer during winter?
a) Shrinks
b) Extends
c) Flows
d) Spreads
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Explanation: During winter, the slabs experience contraction, as a result of which the joint expands. The sealer in the joint is extended. It may retain or it may break as per the rate of expansion of the joint.
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