Pavement Design Questions and Answers – Pavement Design Process – 2

This set of Pavement Design Questions and Answers for Entrance exams focuses on “Pavement Design Process – 2”.

1. Which software can be used for the structural analysis of the pavement?
a) Plaxis
c) Pensolve
d) IIT Pave
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Answer: d
Explanation: IIT Pave is a software that has been developed by the Indian Institute of Technology. The software uses the available data to do the structural analysis of the pavement. Plaxis is used for design and analysis of deep foundations, tunnels and dams. Pensolve is an engineering spreadsheet review software.

2. There are two stages involved in the construction of a new road.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The construction of a new road can be divided into two stages. The two stages are earthwork and pavement construction. The earthwork consists of excavation and embankment construction. The pavement construction includes the construction of various pavement layers.

3. The characteristics of concrete used in the pavement design should be according to which code?
a) IRC SP 37
b) IRC SP 58
c) IRC 58
d) IRC 37
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Answer: c
Explanation: IRC 58 gives the design of plain jointed rigid pavements. IRC SP 58 is a handbook for use of fly ash in roadways. IRC 37 is used for flexible pavement design and IRC SP 37 is used for obtaining load-carrying capacity of bridges.

4. What is the formula used for the computation of design traffic?
a) \(N=\frac{[{1+r}^n-1]}{r}×A×D×F\)
b) \(N=\frac{365×[(1+r)^n-1]}{r}×A×D×F\)
c) \(N=365×[(1+r)^n-1]×A×D×F\)
d) \(N=[(1+r)^n-1]×A×D×F\)
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Answer: b
Explanation: \(N=\frac{365×[(1+r)^n-1]}{r}×A×D×F\) is the right formula used to compute the design traffic for the design of pavements. This gives an idea of the traffic that is to be catered for and the design method can be chosen accordingly.

5. What is the structural analysis of flexible pavement using IIT Pave based on?
a) Elastic theory
b) Multi-layer theory
c) Linear theory
d) Fatigue theory
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Answer: b
Explanation: The structural analysis of pavement using IIT Pave software is based on multi-layer theory. The flexible pavement is considered to be a layered system and each layer is evaluated.

6. What grade of bitumen must be used for the construction in a hot climatic condition?
a) 50/60
b) 30/40
c) 80/100
d) 60/70
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Answer: d
Explanation: The grade 60/70 must be used for the construction in hot climatic conditions. 80/100 is used in moderate conditions, 30/40 in cold conditions and 50/60 can be used in hot/moderate type climate.

7. Which of the below is not a secondary factor to be considered for the pavement design process?
a) Recycling opportunities
b) Traffic safety
c) Adjacent pavements
d) Performance of similar pavements
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Answer: a
Explanation: The recycling opportunity is considered to be a type of primary factor in the design process of the pavement. The availability of material can be checked and if there is any possibility of recycling, it should be taken into account.

8. It is necessary that the rigid pavement rests on a non-rigid surface.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The design approach for rigid pavements is that it has to satisfy two conditions. They should rest on a non-rigid surface which has enough uniform bearing capacity. The second condition is that the thickness of concrete should be sufficient so as to withstand and distribute the wheel load.

9. What are the critical parameters used in the pavement design to limit rutting and cracking?
a) Tensile strain and vertical subgrade strain
b) Tensile strain
c) Vertical subgrade stress
d) Tensile stress and vertical subgrade stress
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Answer: a
Explanation: For the pavement design, the tensile strain and the vertical subgrade strain are considered to be the critical parameters. The tensile strain at the bottom of the bituminous layers and the vertical subgrade strain at the top of subgrade are considered.

10. The preliminary investigation does not include which of the below options?
a) Determination of soil type
b) Determination of aggregate type
c) Establish testing plan
d) Determination of soil properties
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Answer: b
Explanation: The preliminary investigation deals with the determination of soil type, its properties and using the properties to detect problematic areas. It is also used to establish a testing plan for soil.

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