This set of Pavement Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Construction of Rigid Pavement – 1”.
1. ______ is the feature that makes cement concrete popular for use in pavements?
a) High strength
b) Appearance
c) Less maintenance
d) Long lasting
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Explanation: Cement concrete pavement is widely preferred due to the features of providing an extremely smooth surface and good riding quality. Along with this it also gives a great aesthetic view to the pavement. Strength, maintenance and long lasting feature are definitely the key features, but these can be achieved by modifying the flexible pavement parameters too.
2. What are the two methods to construct the cement concrete slab?
a) Alternative method and continuative method
b) Alter bay method and continuing bay method
c) Alternate bay method and continuous bay method
d) Altering method and continuity method
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Explanation: There are two modes of construction used in the construction of rigid pavements. They are alternate bay method and continuous bay method. In the alternate bay method, alternate slabs are constructed and the remaining ones are constructed after a period of one month. In the continuous bay method, all slabs are constructed continuously.
3. The construction of rigid pavement mainly involves the construction of ______
a) Slab
b) Slab and reinforcement
c) Slab and drainage
d) Slab and joint
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Explanation: The major components in the rigid pavement are the cement concrete slab and the various joints in it. The slab may be plain or reinforced according to the environment, traffic conditions, etc. So, the construction of rigid pavements means the construction of slab and joint.
4. The drainage layer must be provided ______ the width of the pavement.
a) Half
b) Along
c) Across
d) Throughout
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Explanation: In order to allow the drainage of excess water from the pavement layers, a layer is provided beneath the pavement. This is provided above the subgrade to restrict the entry of water into it and save it from failure. The layer has to be provided throughout the width of the road so as to facilitate the purpose well.
5. The maintenance works required on the rigid pavement is mainly in the ______
a) Surface coating
b) Steel reinforcement
c) Joints
d) Slab surface
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Explanation: The maintenance requirements in case of rigid pavement is reduced to almost half of that required in the flexible pavements. The main area of the pavement that needs to be checked and maintained is the joints. These are weak points and are prone to damage.
6. The maximum size of coarse aggregates used in the concrete must not exceed ______ of the slab thickness.
a) Twice
b) Half
c) One fourth
d) Three fourth
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Explanation: The slab in the rigid pavement is made of concrete which is composed of aggregates, cement and water. The size of coarse aggregates is very important and must be given due importance. The maximum size must not exceed one fourth of the slab thickness.
7. What is the next step in the construction process after the preparation of the subgrade and sub-base?
a) Mixing of concrete
b) Batching of materials
c) Placing formworks
d) Compaction
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Explanation: The first step in the construction of rigid pavement is the preparation of the subgrade and the sub-base. After that, the formwork for filling the concrete is placed on top of it. Then the batching, mixing and placing of concrete follows. After which the final compaction is done.
8. Which of the below options represents the different batches of the concrete materials?
a) Aggregates, cement, water and stabilizers
b) Aggregates, cementitious materials and water
c) Coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and cement
d) Aggregates and cement
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Explanation: The concrete materials can be grouped into three batches. The aggregate materials form one batch, the cementitious materials like cement form the second batch and water and admixtures form the last batch.
9. The amp meter provided in a central mix plant is used to determine the ______ of the mix.
a) Consistency
b) Water content
c) Aggregate content
d) Flowability
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Explanation: The amp meter is also called slump meter. It is provided in the central mix plant and it serves as an indication of the consistency of the mix. It is an indirect indicator of consistency and must not be taken as the final one.
10. The concrete used for fixed-form paving has a higher slump than the concrete used for slip-form paving.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The slump value of concrete gives an idea of the workability of the concrete mix. The concrete used for fixed-form paving must have a higher slump to facilitate the placing, spreading, compacting and finishing operations much easier, compared to slip-form paving.
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