Pavement Design Questions and Answers – Joints in Rigid Pavement – 2

This set of Pavement Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Joints in Rigid Pavement – 2”.

1. ______ joint is the most common one.
a) Contraction
b) Expansion
c) Construction
d) Warping
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Answer: a
Explanation: Contraction joint is the most used joint type in any type of pavement. It is the most common type of joint found in the rigid pavement. A generic term joint generally indicates that it is a contraction joint.

2. Which of the below joints is not useful in controlling the effects due to temperature stresses?
a) Warping
b) Expansion
c) Contraction
d) Shrinkage
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Answer: d
Explanation: Shrinkage joint is a separation cut with a hand tool in the concrete sidewalk to make it look better. It is not used to control the temperature stresses. Warping, expansion and contraction joints are useful in controlling the effects due to temperature stresses.

3. All types of joints are used in all types of rigid pavements.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Whichever type of rigid pavement is constructed using whichever method has all the types of joints in it. There is a type of rigid pavement that uses longitudinal bars to reduce the number of transverse joints, but it still has longitudinal joints.

4. Which are the characteristics of an isolation joint provided in the pavement?
a) Half width, full depth
b) Full width, half depth
c) Full width, full depth
d) Half width, half depth
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Answer: c
Explanation: The isolation joint is provided for the full depth and full width of the rigid pavement. This is done so as to completely isolate the pavement from the structure. It may also be used to isolate new pavement and existing pavement.

5. Longitudinal joints are provided in pavements that have width ______ than ______
a) Less, 5 m
b) Less, 4.5 m
c) Greater, 5 m
d) Greater, 4.5 m
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Answer: d
Explanation: Longitudinal joints are provided in pavements that have a width greater than 4.5 m. this consideration has been laid down and followed as per the IRC recommendations. They are provided to prevent longitudinal cracking.
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6. Which of the following is not a type of joint arrangement placed in the transverse direction?
a) Straight
b) Staggered
c) Skewed
d) Uniform
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Answer: a
Explanation: There are three ways to arrange joints in the transverse direction. They are the uniform arrangement, staggered arrangement and skewed arrangement. There is no straight arrangement, it is called a uniform arrangement.

7. What is the bitumen content required when using preformed fillers?
a) 45%
b) 35%
c) 55%
d) 25%
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Answer: b
Explanation: The preformed fillers are generally made from softwood, fibreboard or cork. It is necessary that these are firmly and properly bonded together with the bitumen. For the same purpose, IRC has recommended the use of 35% by weight of bitumen.

8. Which of the below is not a property of the joint sealant?
a) Durability
b) Resistance to ingress
c) Cohesion
d) Extensibility
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Answer: c
Explanation: A joint sealer is provided atop the filler in between the joints to prevent the entry of debris and it must be durable to do that. It must also possess extensibility so that it doesn’t break easily and need maintenance. It must have adhesion with cement concrete edges for the sealant to serve its purpose.

9. Which type of joint is used in a prestressed cement concrete pavement?
a) Contraction
b) Construction
c) None
d) All
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Answer: c
Explanation: A prestressed pavement has been designed or developed in such a way that there will not be any joints in the pavement. The elimination of joints would reduce the maintenance effort required for pavements with joints.

10. Warping joints are regularly used in all types of pavements to deal with warping.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Warping joints are not very common and are rarely used. The contraction and expansion joints serve the purpose of dealing with temperature stresses, warping and cracks. If these are designed properly, they can eliminate the warping joints. They are sufficient to prevent the cracks.

11. What is the percentage of thickness recovery recommended for a joint filler after the third application of load?
a) 50%
b) 60%
c) 70%
d) 80%
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Answer: c
Explanation: The recovery of the joint filler should be 70% of its original thickness. This is applicable after the load is applied and released after one hour at the end of the third application of the load. This is the recommended rate of recovery for joint filler material.

12. Which of the below sealant is commonly used in pavements?
a) Polysulphide sealant
b) Silicone sealant
c) Acrylic sealant
d) Butyl sealant
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Answer: a
Explanation: There are a number of sealants available for different purposes. The one used in the pavement is the polysulphide sealant. Silicone sealant is used for the insulation of glass. The acrylic sealant is used in corners of doors and windows. Butyl sealant is used where very little movement is expected.

13. How is the load transference generally provided in the contraction joints?
a) Reinforcement bars
b) Aggregate interlocking
c) Bitumen filler
d) Concrete strips
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the contraction joints, the load transference is generally provided by the interlocking of the aggregates. This is because the spacing between the contraction joints is generally very less, so there is no need for another system. But, for safety matters, the reinforcement bars are provided.

14. How does the joint sealant affect the pavement in summer?
a) Crack development
b) Bad riding quality
c) Brittle pavement
d) Spalling of joint
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Answer: b
Explanation: The joint sealant gets compressed due to the expansion of the slab during summer. This compression leads to a lump or heaving of the sealant and it protrudes above the joint. This disrupts the aesthetics of the pavement and decreases the smooth-riding of the vehicles.

15. Dummy joint is a type of which joint?
a) Expansion
b) Construction
c) Isolation
d) Contraction
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Answer: d
Explanation: Dummy joint is a type of contraction joint. It is a small groove cut on the slab to act as a joint. It is cut in top half of the slab and minimizes the effect and spread of cracks. Hence, the damage due to the cracks can be minimized.

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