Organic Chemistry Questions and Answers – Macromolecules – 1

This set of Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Macromolecules – 1”.

1. Macromolecule described as large molecules built up from small repeating units called as which of the following?
a) Biopolymer
b) Dimers
c) Monomers
d) Metamers
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Answer: c
Explanation: Monomer is a molecule that “can undergo polymerization thereby contributing constitutional units to the essential structure of a macromolecule.

2. Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy compounds of _______________
a) Glucose
b) Oligosaccharides
c) Aldehyde and ketone
d) Glyceraldehyde
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Answer: c
Explanation: The carbohydrates contain a chemically reactive group that is either an aldehyde group or a keto group, they are frequently referred to as aldopentoses or ketopentoses or aldohexoses or ketohexoses.

3. There are several levels of protein structure, which is the most complex protien?
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Tertiary
d) Quaternary
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Answer: d
Explanation: Many proteins are actually assemblies of multiple polypeptide chains. The quaternary structure refers to the number and arrangement of the protein subunits with respect to one another. Examples of proteins with quaternary structure include hemoglobin, DNA polymerase, and ion channels.

4. Amylose is soluble in which of the following solvent?
a) Water
b) Alcohol
c) Partially soluble in alcohol
d) Soluble in acidic solution
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Answer: a
Explanation: A dry form of amylose has been prepared that is easily soluble in water at all temperatures. It can go into solution even at high concentrations (up to 10%), forming very viscous liquids that are indistinguishable in appearance and properties from those prepared by autoclaving amyloses.

5. Proteins, which are tremendously complex molecules, what are their basic units or building blocks?
a) Carbohydrates
b) NH2
c) Polypeptides
d) Amino acids
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Answer: d
Explanation: The basic building block of a protein is called an amino acid. There are 20 amino acids in the proteins you eat and in the proteins within your body, and they link together to form large protein molecules. The variety of ways they mix and match allows for the great diversity of proteins in nature.
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6. Nucleic acids are chains of 5-carbon sugars linked by which type of bonds with an organic base protruding from each sugar?
a) Amino
b) Phophodiester
c) Carbonyl
d) Phosphate
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Answer: b
Explanation: A phosphodiester bond occurs when exactly two of the hydroxyl groups in phosphoric acid react with hydroxyl groups on other molecules to form two ester bonds, as in nucleic acid.

7. Animals store glucose in the form of which macromolecule?
a) Amylose
b) Glycogen
c) Glycerol
d) Cellulose
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Answer: b
Explanation: Glycogen is a multibranched polysaccharide of glucose that serves as a form of energy storage in humans, animals, fungi, and bacteria. The polysaccharide structure represents the main storage form of glucose in the body.

8. In the formation of a macromolecule, what type of bond would join two amino acid subunits?
a) Ionic bond
b) Phosphodiester bond
c) Hydrogen bond
d) Peptide bond
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Answer: d
Explanation: The bond that holds together the two amino acids is a peptide bond, or a covalent chemical bond between two compounds (in this case, two amino acids). It occurs when the carboxylic group of one molecule reacts with the amino group of the other molecule.

9. In the formation of a macromolecule, what type of reaction would join two subunits together?
a) Hydrophobic reaction
b) Hydrolysis reaction
c) Dehydration reaction
d) Denaturation reaction
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Answer: c
Explanation: A dehydration reaction is a chemical reaction that involves the loss of a water molecule from the reacting molecule. Dehydration reactions and dehydration synthesis has the same meaning, and are often used interchangeably. Two monosaccharaides, such as glucose and fructose, can be joined together (to form sucrose) using dehydration synthesis. The new molecule, consisting of two monosaccharides, is called a disaccharide.

10. Assuming that all of the below given compound had the same number of carbon atoms, which of the following has the most C-H bonds?
a) Unsaturated fat
b) Polysaturated fat
c) Polysaccharide
d) Saturated fat
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Answer: d
Explanation: From a chemical standpoint, saturated fats are simply fat molecules that have no double bonds between carbon molecules because they are saturated with hydrogen molecules. So, saturated fat will have a maximum number of C-H bonds.

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