Organic Chemistry Questions and Answers – Structure and Physical Properties

This set of Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Structure and Physical Properties”.

1. Name the geometry of the central oxygen atom in the ozone molecule (O3).
a) Trigonal planar
b) Linear
c) Tetrahedral
d) Pyramidal
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Answer: a
Explanation: It forms a single bond with one oxygen atom, double bond with another oxygen atom and there exists one more non-bonded atom. Thus, it forms a trigonal planar structure.

2. In which molecule there is a complete linear arrangement of all atoms?
a) BF3
b) NH3
c) CO2
d) CH4
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Answer: c
Explanation: BF3 has trigonal planar structure, NH3 has a trigonal bipyramidal structure, CH4 has tetragonal structure and hence CO2 is the one with linear structure.

3. Choose the incorrect option.
a) BrO4 – tetrahedral
b) PF3 – pyramidal
c) ClO4 – tetrahedral
d) BeBr2 – linear
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Answer: b
Explanation: PF3 has a trigonal pyramidal structure as it has three bonding pairs and one non-bonding pair.

4. Which among the following is not a physical property?
a) Melting point
b) Boiling point
c) Solubility
d) Reactivity
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Answer: d
Explanation: Reactivity is a chemical property and it is not a physical property.

5. A crystalline solid possess which one of the following property?
a) Irregularity
b) Non- symmetric
c) Perfect geometric pattern
d) non- stability
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Answer: c
Explanation: A crystalline solid is one which possesses perfect geometry, high stability, symmetric and regularly arranged.
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6. Melting is process which can be stated by the below statements except?
a) Change from a highly disordered stated to an ordered state
b) Change from particles in crystal lattice to liquid state
c) Thermal energy of particles overcome the intercrystalline forces that hold them
d) Change from low temperature to high temperature
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Answer: a
Explanation: Melting is a process which proceeds by changing from a highly ordered state to a disordered state.

7. Which among the following is not associated with intermolecular forces?
a) They hold neutral molecules
b) Non- electrostatic in nature
c) attraction of oppositely charged particles
d) dipole-dipole interaction and van der Waals forces
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Answer: b
Explanation: Intermolecular forces are electrostatic in nature.

8. Which among the following statement is not true?
a) In liquid, particles are less regularly arranged and are free to move
b) Boiling involves breaking up of group of molecules in liquid
c) Boiling involves clubbing of oppositely charged ions
d) Thermal energy of particles overcome cohesive forces that hold them
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Answer: c
Explanation: Boiling involves separation of oppositely charged ions and makes them as individual ions.

9. When one of the Hydrogen in Methane(CH4) is replaced by a hydroxyl group, then structurally methane resembles?
a) Methanol
b) Ethanol
c) Water
d) Both methanol and water
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Answer: d
Explanation: Like water, it is a liquid with boiling point which is abnormally high for a compound of its size and polarity.

10. Which among the following does not match with the term solubility?
a) The structural units get separated from each other
b) The ion-dipole bond is very strong
c) The spaces in between the structures are occupied by solvent molecules
d) The electrostatic attraction between the oppositely charged ions and their corresponding ends are called ion-dipole bond
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Answer: b
Explanation: The bond is weak but in the aggregate they supply enough energy to overcome the interionic forces.

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