Operating System Multiple Choice Questions – Deadlock

This set of Operating System Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Deadlock”.

1. What is a reusable resource?
a) that can be used by one process at a time and is not depleted by that use
b) that can be used by more than one process at a time
c) that can be shared between various threads
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

2. Which of the following condition is required for a deadlock to be possible?
a) mutual exclusion
b) a process may hold allocated resources while awaiting assignment of other resources
c) no resource can be forcibly removed from a process holding it
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.

3. A system is in the safe state if ____________
a) the system can allocate resources to each process in some order and still avoid a deadlock
b) there exist a safe sequence
c) all of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: None.

4. The circular wait condition can be prevented by ____________
a) defining a linear ordering of resource types
b) using thread
c) using pipes
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

5. Which one of the following is the deadlock avoidance algorithm?
a) banker’s algorithm
b) round-robin algorithm
c) elevator algorithm
d) karn’s algorithm
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.
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6. What is the drawback of banker’s algorithm?
a) in advance processes rarely know how much resource they will need
b) the number of processes changes as time progresses
c) resource once available can disappear
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.

7. For an effective operating system, when to check for deadlock?
a) every time a resource request is made
b) at fixed time intervals
c) every time a resource request is made at fixed time intervals
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: None.

8. A problem encountered in multitasking when a process is perpetually denied necessary resources is called ____________
a) deadlock
b) starvation
c) inversion
d) aging
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.

9. Which one of the following is a visual ( mathematical ) way to determine the deadlock occurrence?
a) resource allocation graph
b) starvation graph
c) inversion graph
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

10. To avoid deadlock ____________
a) there must be a fixed number of resources to allocate
b) resource allocation must be done only once
c) all deadlocked processes must be aborted
d) inversion technique can be used
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

More MCQs on Deadlock:

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Operating System.

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