This set of Operating System Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Protection – Memory Protection”.
1. What is true regarding ‘Fence’?
a) Its a method to confine users to one side of a boundary
b) It can protect Operating system from one user
c) It cannot protect users from each other
d) All of the mentioned
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2. What is not true regarding ‘Fence’?
a) It is implemented via hardware register
b) It doesn’t protect users from each other
c) It good to protect OS from abusive users
d) Its implementation is unrestricted and can take any amount of space in Operating system.
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3. What is correct regarding ‘relocation’ w.r.t protecting memory?
a) It is a process of taking a program as if it began at address 0
b) It is a process of taking a program as if it began at address 0A
c) Fence cannot be used within relocation process
d) All of the mentioned
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4. How can fence and relocation be used together?
a) To each program address, the contents of fence register are added
b) To contents of fence register is subtracted from actual address of program
c) To each program address, the contents of fence register are not added
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: This both relocates the address and guarantees that no one can access a location lower than a fence address.
5. What is the basic need in protecting memory in multi-user environment?
a) We need two registers one ‘start’ and other ‘end’
b) We need a variable register
c) A fence register has to be used known as base register.
d) None of the mentioned
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6. What is the role of base/bound registers?
a) They give starting address to a program
b) Program’s addresses are neatly confined to space between the base and the bound registers
c) They provide encrypted environment
d) This technique doesn’t protects a program’s address from modification by another user
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7. What is all-or-nothing situation for sharing in memory?
a) Program makes all its data available to be accessed
b) It prohibits access to some
c) It creates rules who can access program memory
d) It separates program memory and data memory
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8. How is disadvantage of all-or-nothing approach overcome?
a) Base/Bound
b) Relocation technique
c) Fence method
d) Tagged architecture
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9. What is true regarding tagged architecture?
a) Every word of machine memory has one or more extra bits
b) Extra bits are used to do padding
c) Extra bits are not used to identify rights to that word
d) It is very compatible to code upgrades
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10. What is best solution to have effect of unbounded number if base/bound registers?
a) Tagged architecture
b) Segmentation
c) Fence method
d) None of the mentioned
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11. What is a major feature of segmentation?
a) Program is divided in data memory and program memory
b) Program is executed in segments
c) Program is divided into pieces having different access rights
d) It has effect of an unbounded architecture
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12. What is the correct way the segmentation program address is stored?
a) name, offset
b) start, stop
c) access, rights
d) offset, rights
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Explanation: OS can retrieve the real address via looking for the table then making a simple calculation: address of the name + offset.
13. What is the main objective of protection?
a) Ensure all objects are protected individually
b) Objects have different priority and thus different levels of protection
c) Ensure that each object is accessed correctly and only by allowed processes
d) None of the mentioned
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14. What is the principle of least privilege?
a) Less privileges provide difficulty in executing admin tasks
b) Users can get temporary high privilege access
c) Users should be given just enough privileges to perform their tasks
d) None of the mentioned
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15. What is the need of protection?
a) Prevent mischievous violation
b) Prevent and intentional
c) Ensure that each program component uses resources allotted to it only
d) All of the mentioned
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