OpenCV Questions and Answers – History and Basics of OpenCV

This set of OpenCV Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “History and Basics of OpenCV”.

1. What is the full name of the OpenCV?
a) Open Common Vision
b) Open Common Vector
c) Open Computer Vision
d) Open Computer Vector
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Answer: c
Explanation: OpenCV’s full name is Open Computer Vision where open means Open Source. OpenCV library is used in computer vision and Machine Learning. The main focus of the OpenCV library is real-time applications and real-time computer vision development.

2. In which languages OpenCV is written?
a) C++
b) Java
c) R
d) Python
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Answer: a
Explanation: The OpenCV is natively written in C++. OpenCV also retains some interface written in C language also but all the new development and algorithm are written C++ itself. Java, R, Python are the other languages that are supported by the OpenCV library.

3. Who developed the first OpenCV library?
a) Guido van Rossum
b) Gary Bradsky
c) Dennis Ritchie
d) Bjarne Stroustrup
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Answer: b
Explanation: Gary Bradsky was the first developer of OpenCV library. Guido van Rossum developed the Python language; Dennis Ritchie developed the C language and Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++.

4. OpenCV library supports CUDA and OpenCL.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: OpenCV library supports both CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) and OpenCL (Open Computing Language). CUDA and OpenCL are parallel computing platform and programming interface models developed by NVIDIA and AMD respectively.

5. In which Architecture OpenCV GPU module is written?
b) cuFFT
c) Thrust
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Answer: d
Explanation: The OpenCV GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) module is written using CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) which is developed by NVIDIA. NVIDIA NPP (NVIDIA Performance Primitives) is a library used in CUDA, cuFFT (CUDA Fast Fourier Transform) used for interfacing FFT in CUDA.

6. Computer vision is associated with text processing.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Computer vision is not associated with text processing. Computer vision deals with acquiring, processing and analyzing the images and video. NLP (Natural Language Processing) is associated with text processing.

7. Which class contains the primary data of the GPU memory?
a) cv::gpu::GpuMat
b) cv::Mat
c) cv::gpu::threshold
d) cv::imshow
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Answer: a
Explanation: The class cv::gpu::GpuMat is the primary container of data kept in the GPU memory. cv::gpu::GpuMat is a smart pointer for GPU memory with reference counting. Class cv::Mat is the CPU (Central Processing Unit)’s Counterpart.

8. Which company develops the OpenCV library?
a) AMD
c) Intel
d) Google
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Answer: c
Explanation: Intel Corporations develops the OpenCV library, while AMD develops OpenCL for OpenCV, NVIDIA develops CUDA architecture and other libraries and Google develops image wrapping class for OpenCV.

9. Which is the fastest processing language for OpenCV?
a) Python
b) Java
c) C++
d) R
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Answer: c
Explanation: C++ is the fastest processing language for OpenCV because the OpenCV is written in C++ hence it will take less time in processing, while other languages will be slower in comparison to C++ as the actual code working in background is C++ which needs to be converted.


10. What is the full form of GPGPU?
a) General-purpose graphics processing units
b) General-purpose computing on graphics processing units
c) Graphical-purpose computing on graphics processing units
d) General-purpose computing on general processing units
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Full form of GPGPU is General-purpose computing on graphics processing units. GPGPU uses parallel computing for enhancing the Graphical processing power of the GPU.

11. Which application provides access to the GPGPU for performing non-graphical processing using GPU?
b) OpenGL
c) OpenCL
d) NPP
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Answer: c
Explanation: OpenCL (Open Computing Language) provides an application for accessing the GPGPU for performing the nongraphical task using GPU like increasing the speed of the processing, for mathematical calculation, etc.

12. What is the full form of DSP-OpenCL?
a) Digital Signal Processor-OpenCL
b) Data Signal Processor-OpenCL
c) Disk Signal Processor-OpenCL
d) Digital Spooling Processor-OpenCL
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Answer: a
Explanation: The full form of DSP-OpenCL is Digital Signal Processor- OpenCL. OpenCL uses DSP for parallel computing and processing of Digital Signal and acceleration. The OpenCL turns the GPUs to DSPs for increasing the performance.

13. Which of the following allows users to automatically call accelerated code through OpenCL?
a) G-API (Graph API)
b) T-API (Transparent API)
c) C-API
d) Kernel API
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Answer: b
Explanation: OpenCV has an architecture concept known as Transparent API (T-API) which allows the users to automatically call accelerated code through OpenCL. G-API (Graph API) makes the regular image processing fast and portable.

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