This set of MongoDB Interview Questions and Answers focuses on “Installation – 2”.
1. Which of the following provides low-level tracing/sniffing view into database activity?
a) mongosniff
b) mongotop
c) mongooplog
d) mongofiles
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Explanation: mongosniff is a command-line tool providing a sniffing view into database activity by monitoring network traffic going to and from MongoDB.
2. Point out the correct statement.
a) MongoDB supports a “standalone” or single-instance operation
b) Sharded clusters provide high performance replication with automated failover
c) Replica sets make it possible to partition large data sets over many machines transparently to the users
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: MongoDB users combine replica sets and sharded clusters to provide high levels redundancy for large data sets transparently for applications.
3. Which of the following is simplest tool for installation of MongoDB?
a) mongorestore
b) mongooplog
c) mongodump
d) all of the mentioned
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Explanation: mongooplog is a simple tool that polls operations from the replication oplog of a remote server.
4. Which of the following network analyzer fully supports MongoDB?
a) Wireshark
b) Riakshark
c) Snort
d) Suricata
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Explanation: Wireshark is cross platform and open source network sniffer.
5. Point out the wrong statement.
a) BSON is difficult to code and manage
b) MongoDB stores data in JSON documents
c) JSON provides a rich data model that seamlessly maps to native programming language types
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: BSON is easy to code and manage.
6. ___________ manipulate files stored in your MongoDB instance in GridFS.
a) mongorestore
b) mongofiles
c) mongosupport
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: mongofiles provides an interface between objects stored in your file system and GridFS.
7. __________ is a command-line utility to import content from a JSON, CSV, or TSV.
a) mongorestore
b) mongofiles
c) mongosupport
d) mongoimport
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Explanation: Import content from a JSON, CSV, or TSV export is created by mongoexport.
8. Which of the following is used for creating a binary export of the contents of a Mongo database?
a) mongodump
b) mongofiles
c) mongosupport
d) mongoimport
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Explanation: mongodump is a utility for creating a binary export of the contents of a database.
9. Which of the following tool can be used to reload a database dump?
a) mongorestore
b) mongofiles
c) mongosupport
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: The mongorestore program writes data from a binary database dump created by mongodump to a MongoDB instance.
10. _____________ is a native OS-X-application for MongoDB management.
a) Opricot
b) MongoHub
c) UMongo
d) 3T MongoChe
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Explanation: Opricot is a browser-based MongoDB-Shell, implemented in PHP.
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